14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

The problem of strokes is acute for the whole world. For example, in the United States, 800 people are diagnosed with stroke every year; in Russia, this figure exceeds 400 cases. Every year, more than 18 million people die from strokes, in the United States alone, this figure reaches 610 people a year. The prognosis for this disease is disappointing – as the population ages, these figures will increase.

A special place in the list of risk factors for cerebral hemorrhages is occupied by cerebrovascular pathologies that occur without obvious clinical symptoms. Such diseases are called “silent strokes”, which are diagnosed solely by brain imaging. Cerebrovascular disorders are detected in almost 30% of patients in the age group of 65 years and above, regardless of gender. The main cause of stroke is high blood pressure. Hypertension increases the risk of heart attacks.

Why do blood vessels become dense, narrow and create high blood pressure? How to improve the elasticity of the vascular wall? How to maintain optimal blood pressure? The answers to these questions will be discussed in detail in this article.

The tone and relaxation of the arterial walls occurs simultaneously with cardiac contractions, which provide pumping of blood through the systemic and pulmonary circulation. A person feels this mechanism, like his own pulse on the neck, wrist. The heart muscle – the myocardium – never rests! Myocardial contraction triggers a wave of blood that “spreads” through the bloodstream. Measuring blood pressure with a tonometer allows you to determine the force with which the heart pumps blood for further movement through the vessels. High pressure readings indicate that the heart and the entire circulatory system is under additional stress.

Blood pressure depends on two factors – the elasticity of blood vessels and the density (viscosity) of the blood. The flexibility of veins and arteries, the qualitative composition of the blood affect the rate of blood flow in the vascular bed. Age-related changes in the body invariably lead to an increase in the density of arteries, which increases the risk of strokes by several times, and slows down the recovery processes after cerebral hemorrhages. A change in the density of the vascular wall is a suggestive factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease and increases the risk of death against the background of other somatic pathologies. In some cases, excessive stiffness of blood vessels can lead to disability in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Numerous studies have shown that osteoporosis, depressive disorders are also associated with changes in the density of the vascular wall. Scientists argue that the elasticity of blood vessels directly affect overall well-being.

Causes of decreased elasticity of blood vessels

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

The elasticity of blood vessels is of great importance for the general condition of the body. The full functioning of internal organs, the preservation of beauty and youth depend on them. Disturbances in the circulatory system entail nutritional deficiencies and general hypoxia, which lead to premature aging.

A full supply of cells with oxygen and valuable substances is possible only if the lumen and elasticity of the blood vessels are preserved. Dense arteries, clogged with atherosclerotic plaques, cannot perform their functions – supply blood to internal organs and tissues. Violation of these processes entails the development of severe pathologies, cell aging.

To maintain a healthy circulatory system, it is important to take into account the factors that directly affect the violation of elasticity and aging of blood vessels:

  • Obesity. The fat cells that form the depot actively release pro-inflammatory compounds into the blood, which have a devastating effect on the inner lining of blood vessels. A certain pattern is observed – the more fat, the higher the level of inflammatory substances in the bloodstream.

  • Cholesterol. A high level of total cholesterol, triglycerides contributes to the formation of plaques, hardening of the vascular wall.

  • Diabetes. In the case when the glucose level exceeds the permissible values, the cells that make up the protective layer of blood vessels dissolve.

  • Hypertonic disease. Pumping blood against the background of high blood pressure can lead to rupture of the choroid.

  • Stress. The constant release of stress hormones causes an increase in blood pressure. The chronic process inevitably leads to vascular damage.

  • Smoking. Nicotine is a toxic substance that aggressively affects blood vessels, provoking the death of their cells. Visually, this manifests itself in the form of scars, holes.

  • Chronic inflammation. Smoking, alcohol, unhealthy diet, excess weight provoke a chronic inflammatory process that leads to damage to blood vessels.

14 products to improve elasticity and blood circulation in the vessels

1 Cayenne pepper

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Cayenne pepper contains a unique phytochemical compound, capsaicin, which gives it its characteristic spicy, spicy taste. Capsaicin stimulates blood flow, release of nitric oxide, which has vasodilating properties [1].

Natural vasodilators facilitate arterial and venous blood flow. This mechanism is realized due to the relaxation of tiny muscle fibers located inside the vascular walls.

Clinical studies confirm that the introduction of cayenne pepper into the diet stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, and minimizes the risk of plaque formation inside the arteries. [2].

It should be noted that cayenne pepper is a traditional ingredient in topical pain relievers. The application of creams, ointments, gels with spicy pepper provides a full blood supply to the soft tissues in the area of ​​the pathological focus.

2 Garnet

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Juicy, sweet pomegranates are an excellent source of polyphenols, antioxidants, and nitrates. In this case, nitrates are valuable substances with a vasodilating effect. Regular use of pomegranate ensures normal blood flow, promotes saturation of muscle fibers with oxygen, which makes it indispensable for active life.

Pomegranate can be consumed in its raw natural form, squeezed juice. Supplements are available in the pharmacy network, which include the active substances of pomegranate.

An experiment in which 19 active people took part showed that taking 1000 mg of pomegranate extract 30 minutes before sports training stimulates blood circulation, expands the lumen of blood vessels, and increases physical endurance. [3].

Another study found that drinking 500 ml of pomegranate juice daily during exercise or immediately after exercise helps reduce soreness, inflammation and damage to muscle fibers. [4].

3 Bow

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

It has long been known that onions are included in the list of foods good for the heart. The fact is that this vegetable contains a large amount of flavonoid antioxidants. Getting into the bloodstream, the active substances of the onion stimulate the movement of blood along the vascular bed due to the expansion of the lumen of the veins and arteries.

One study, which involved 23 men, lasted 30 days. Each of the subjects took 4,3 grams of onion extract daily. All participants experienced dilated arteries and improved blood flow after eating. [5].

Of particular importance are the anti-inflammatory substances contained in onions. They heal the heart, eliminate foci of inflammation in the veins and arteries. [6].

4 Cinnamon

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Cinnamon is characterized as a spice with a warming effect, which is of great importance for general well-being and of course for normal blood circulation.

Experiments on laboratory animals have shown that cinnamon significantly increases the lumen of blood vessels, improves coronary blood flow and provides nourishment to the myocardium.

Laboratory rats were given daily cinnamon extract at the rate of 200 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Eight weeks later, improved cardiac activity, active blood circulation in the coronary arteries was recorded. The effect was noted at the maximum level after intense physical exertion. There were no similar results in the control group. [7].

Studies involving people confirm that after taking cinnamon, blood pressure is effectively reduced, relaxation of the vascular wall is observed. Both of these factors provide activation of blood circulation, heal the heart. [8].

An experiment involving 59 people diagnosed with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus showed that taking 1200 mg of cinnamon daily was guaranteed to reduce systolic blood pressure (upper number) by almost 3,5 mmHg after only 12 weeks. [9].

5 Garlic

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Garlic is recommended for people who have problems with the heart and circulation. The study of the properties of garlic showed that it contains sulfur compounds, such as allicin, which increase the strength of local and general blood circulation. In addition, garlic has a relaxing effect on blood vessels, thereby helping to lower blood pressure.

Evidence suggests that following a diet high in garlic promotes vasodilation, improving blood flow efficiency.

A clinical observation of 42 patients with coronary heart disease for three months showed that when using garlic powder, compressed into tablets containing 1200 mg of allicin, it improves blood flow in the brachial arteries by 50%. The placebo control group did not show similar results.  [10].

6 Fatty fish

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

The category of fatty fish includes salmon, mackerel, which contain a huge amount of omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are indispensable for the circulatory system as a whole. The fact is that omega-3 is involved in the process of releasing nitric oxide – a natural vasodilator compound, due to which there is an increase in blood flow.

The active substances of omega-3 fats are necessary to prevent the clumping of platelets in the blood, which is the main factor influencing the formation of a blood clot in the lumen of a blood vessel. [11].

Medical observations suggest that the use of fish oil supplements during or immediately after exercise helps to lower blood pressure and normalize blood circulation in skeletal muscle fibers.

One of the experiments involved 10 healthy adult men. For four weeks, they received 4,2 grams of fish oil daily, which corresponds to high dosages. Control analyzes of each subject showed an improvement in blood flow in the legs after intense physical exertion [12].

7 Beetroot

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Beetroot juice is one of the must-have products in sports nutrition. Athletes who want to improve their own athletic performance regularly take freshly squeezed beetroot juice or beetroot powder. It turns out that beets contain a large amount of nitrates – compounds that are converted inside our body into nitric oxide. The new substance, obtained during the biochemical reaction, has the ability to relax the wall of blood vessels and stimulate blood flow to muscle tissue.

Regular consumption of beetroot juice improves the oxygenation of muscle fibers, stimulates blood circulation and the conversion of nitrates into nitric oxide.

Beetroot juice is recommended not only for athletes. Doctors note its value for the health of older people who have age-related problems with blood circulation. In one study, 12 elderly people drank 140 ml of beetroot juice daily. Objectively, all participants in the experimental group showed a decrease in blood pressure, blood clotting period, mitigation of signs of vascular inflammation. There were no similar results in the placebo group.  [13].

8 Turmeric

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Of particular health value is the ability of turmeric to stimulate blood flow. In traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda, turmeric has long been used to normalize blood circulation and restore optimal pressure.

Recent research data suggests that the active substance in turmeric, curcumin, promotes the active production of nitric oxide, which is necessary for the elasticity of blood vessels. In addition, while taking turmeric, there is a mitigation of the symptoms of inflammation and oxidative stress.

In one of the experiments on the properties of turmeric, 39 people took part, who were offered 12 mg of curcumin daily for 2000 weeks. Control analyzes showed a significant activation of blood flow in the vessels of the forearm by 37% and the shoulder by 36%  [14].

9 Green leafy vegetables

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are high in nitrates, which are converted inside our bodies to nitric oxide, a vasodilatory compound. Enriching the diet with leafy greens greatly improves blood circulation by expanding the lumen of blood vessels.

In order to study the properties of spinach, a study was organized involving 27 people. During the week, participants in the experimental group received 845 mg of nitrates every day. Each of them had a positive trend in relation to blood pressure and blood flow velocity. No positive results were observed in the control group.  [15].

Observations of people who adhere to the traditional principles of the Chinese diet have shown that eating leafy greens saturates the body with beneficial nitrates. As a result, stable blood pressure indicators are noted, minimizing the risks of cardiovascular diseases. A good source of nitrates is Chinese cabbage, which can enrich the Western diet familiar to many people.  [16].

10 Citrus

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Lemons, oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits are rich in antioxidants and active flavonoids. Regular consumption of citrus fruits helps suppress inflammation, normalize high blood pressure, stimulate blood flow and accelerate nitric oxide release reactions.

Scientists organized a study involving 31 people. During the week, the subjects received 500 ml of orange juice every day. As a result, there was a decrease in pro-inflammatory markers (IL-6, CRP), relaxation of the vascular wall. The control group showed no positive results  [17].

The systematic use of lemons, grapefruits and other citrus fruits minimizes the risk of strokes by activating the mechanism to reduce pressure in the blood vessels [18].

11 Walnuts

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Valuable substances were found in the composition of walnut kernels – L-arginine, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). All of these components are capable of accelerating nitric oxide release reactions.

Scientists have proven that regular consumption of walnuts helps to normalize blood pressure, reduce the inflammatory response, and improve the condition of the vascular wall. These qualities are of particular importance for patients with diabetes mellitus.  [19].

One study followed 24 participants with diagnosed diabetes. The experimental group of participants received 56 g of walnut kernels daily for two months. In this sample, an improvement in blood circulation was recorded, which was not observed in the control group. [20].

12 Tomatoes

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Narrowing of blood vessels provokes angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). The active substances contained in tomatoes suppress ACE and normalize blood pressure.  [21].

The results of clinical trials confirm that tomato extract has an inhibitory effect on ACE by dilating blood vessels, stimulating blood circulation. In laboratory conditions, it has been proven that the active substances of tomatoes inhibit ACE, suppress pro-inflammatory markers, disrupt platelet aggregation, which significantly improves blood circulation. [22].

13 Berries

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

It has been proven that chronic inflammation negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and provokes an increase in blood pressure. The juicy pulp of berries contains a high content of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances, which favorably affect the general blood flow.

Scientists point out that the introduction of berries into the daily diet contributes to the stabilization of blood pressure, heart rate and platelet aggregation. The active substances contained in the berry pulp are able to suppress inflammation markers and improve the condition of the membranes of the bloodstream.  [23].

14 Ginger

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

Ginger rightfully occupies an honorable place in Indian and Chinese medicine. For hundreds of years it has been used to reduce high blood pressure, improve general and local blood circulation.

A host of animal and human studies confirm that the active substances in ginger are able to regulate high blood pressure, which negatively affects the entire circulatory system. [24].

Observations of 4628 participants showed that the use of ginger in a dosage of 2 to 4 grams daily minimizes the risk of high blood pressure to critical levels. [25].

Data obtained from experiments with laboratory animals suggest that the mechanism of action of ginger is realized due to the suppression of ACE. [26].

Diet to improve vascular elasticity

14 best products that increase the elasticity of blood vessels

If we talk about the factors affecting the elasticity of blood vessels, then you should pay special attention to the diet. Let’s focus on foods that improve blood circulation.

A diet rich in plant-based products saturates the body with vitamins, minerals, powerful antioxidants and other valuable substances. All these elements have a normalizing effect on the circulatory system and blood pressure.

In 2019, the results of a controlled clinical trial on the Mediterranean diet were published. Over the course of a year, 1300 participants aged 65 to 79 suffering from high blood pressure followed a diet high in plant foods. Control tests showed a significant improvement in the condition of blood vessels and a decrease in blood pressure.  [27].

A separate study was devoted to the nutritional habits of adults. The observation was attended by people of different races and nationalities. It turned out that the lack of greens and vegetables was the main factor in increasing pressure.

Green leafy vegetables are of particular value:

  • Spinach.

  • Cabbage.

  • Chard.

  • Mustard greens.

  • Parsley.

  • Romain.

  • Leaf salad.

These foods are loaded with nitrates, vitamin K, magnesium, and other nutrients. During the day, two servings of greens are enough to maintain healthy blood vessels and normal pressure.

Herbal products include dark chocolate, cocoa, tea. The results of clinical studies confirm that the flavonoids contained in these products have nutritional value and have a positive effect on the vascular wall. [28].

This diet also focuses on such components as:

  • Omega 3. Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish, seeds, and nuts. Their introduction into the diet will help maintain the elasticity of the vascular walls. [29].

  • Green tea. There is evidence that the active substances contained in green tea protect the walls of arteries and veins. Daily consumption of tea ensures the elasticity and functionality of blood vessels [30].

  • Turmeric. Turmeric is called the golden spice not only because of its color, but also because of the special valuable properties that it has on the body. Seasoning is added to tea, milk to improve the cardiovascular system [31].

What nutrients improve the condition of blood vessels?

In order to improve the condition of the vascular wall, you should introduce into the diet products containing omega-3 fatty acids (sea fish, fish oil), ascorbic acid (blackcurrant, blueberries, kiwi, rose hips), rutin (buckwheat, citrus fruits, green tea) .

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