11 Signs Your Dog Loves You

Pets also speak, but in body language. And everyone should be a little specialist in it.

Animal behavior experts believe that the better the bond between dogs and their owners, the more harmonious the relationship between them will be. And where there is harmony, there is definitely love. Dogs show their feelings to us with their bodies, and if you notice these 11 signs, then you can rejoice. They all mean that the dog loves you very much.

She licks you

“Even for dogs, kissing means a lot,” says Hayley Hyatt, director of training at OnPoint Systems LLC. “Mother dogs lick their puppies as a token of love, and also tidy them up. By licking you, the animal shows how much it cares and respects you. “

The dog hugs you

Dr. Carol Osborne from Chagrin Falls Veterinary Center & Pet Clinic is confident: “When a dog gently nestles against you, it means that with you it feels safe and very comfortable. And, as you know, we are comfortable with those we love. “

The dog sighs and stretches at your feet

“When a dog stretches out next to its man and lets out a long sigh, it’s also a sign of contentment,” continues Dr. Carol.

The dog meets you and flies

“Touching is one of the greatest signs of love and affection, even in the dog world,” says Jeff Franklin, owner and operator of Cobra Canine. – If in the evening, when you come, the dog jumps around and by all appearance shows that he is glad to see you, this is definitely love.

The dog is jumping on you

This behavior is often considered problematic in dogs, but it is actually just another manifestation of feelings.

“Jumping on top of you is another way for your dog to show how bored and happy he is to see you. Jumping up, she is only trying to get closer to you and, possibly, lick in the face, ”says Hayley Hyatt.

The animal wags its tail

“Dogs wag their tails when they are happy and relaxed,” says Dr. Carol.

Therefore, it is only natural that this gesture also means that your pet definitely loves you. Or at least he doesn’t feel threatened by you.

The dog makes eye contact with you.

Dr. Carol explains that eye contact is one of, if not the most “exciting” thing between a dog and its owner.

“It’s a way of saying I love you, a sign of intimacy, as well as trust and affection,” she explains. When your dog looks into his eyes, his brain releases the feel-good hormone oxytocin. The same hormone binds mothers and children. “

The pet sleeps in your bed

Yes, this is still debated, but just read what the experts say: “Sleep is a vulnerable state for every living being. And sleeping next to a close member of the pack is a sure sign of love in dogs. “

So if you notice how in a dream the pet wants to be closer to you or even falls asleep on you, know: this is definitely love.

The dog is stealing your underwear

The world of these animals consists of smells.

“I always tell my clients that when you and I walk into a room, we see the room,” says Dr. Carol. “But when pets enter it, they immediately begin to“ see ”smells. This is a fact to remember. “

Given that a person’s underwear absorbs his smell the most, this is the first thing that a dog will store for himself. Because the thing smells like its beloved owner.

The dog tries to comfort you when you’re sad

Have you noticed how, after a hard day’s work, you fall exhausted on the sofa, and the pet puts its head on your lap and looks to cheer you up? “Everything will be fine. I’m near, ”his devoted gaze seems to say.

“What is love if not the comfort of the one you care about the most?” – Jeff Franklin is sure.

Your pet follows you on your heels

“Some dogs are not physically affectionate, and that’s okay,” says Hiatt. – They will try to be around in other ways – for example, following you from room to room. Just like with a hug, ‘chasing’ you, the dog shows that he wants to spend time together and feels safe in your company. “

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