10th week of pregnancy (12 weeks)

10th week of pregnancy (12 weeks)

10 weeks pregnant: where is the baby?

In this 10th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus at 12 weeks is 7,5 cm and its weight is 20 g.

His heart beats very quickly: 160 or 170 beats / min. With the development of muscles and the individualization of the joints, it is already very active, even if it is still reflex movements emanating directly from the spinal cord and not from the brain. In the amniotic fluid, the baby alternates between the mobile phases where it curls up, tends the limbs, straightens the head, and the phases of rest. Hopefully these movements will be visible on the first ultrasound, but at 12 weeks of gestation they are not yet noticeable for the mother-to-be.

On the face of 10 week old baby, the features are more and more those of a small man. The eyes, the nostril holes, the ears are soon in their final place. The buds of the permanent teeth begin to form in the jawbone. Deep in the skin, hair bulbs appear. His now well-formed eyelids, however, are still closed.

The central nervous system continues to develop with the multiplication and migration of neuroblasts, nerve cells at the origin of neurons.

The liver, which is very large in proportion to the rest of the body, makes blood cells. The bone marrow will only take over at the end of pregnancy.

The intestinal loop continues to lengthen but gradually integrates the abdominal wall, freeing the umbilical cord which will soon consist of only two arteries and a vein.

In the pancreas, the islets of Langerhans, clusters of endocrine cells responsible for the secretion of insulin, begin to develop.

The external genitalia continue to differentiate.


Where is the mother’s body at 10 weeks pregnant?

With the uterus growing and moving up into the abdomen, a small belly begins to emerge at the 10th week of pregnancy. If it’s a first baby, the pregnancy usually goes unnoticed. In the primipara, on the other hand, the uterine muscles being more distended, the belly “comes out” more quickly, and the pregnancy can already be visible.

Nausea and fatigue 1st quarter decrease. After the little hassles of early pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to taste the good sides of motherhood: beautiful skin, abundant hair. However, other inconveniences persist, and will also increase with the development of the uterus: constipation, heartburn.

On the side of emotions and moods, the first ultrasound often marks a big step for the mother-to-be. She reassures and, with her pictures already very telling, comes to concretize a pregnancy which until now could still seem unreal and very fragile.

From 12 weeks of amenorrhea (10 SG), the risk of miscarriage is reduced. The mother-to-be, however, must continue to be careful and take care of herself.

Which foods to favor at 10 weeks of pregnancy (12 weeks)?

Two months pregnant, it is necessary to continue to provide folic acid to ensure the good growth of the fetus. Vitamin B9 is found mainly in green vegetables (spinach, beans, lettuce, etc.) and in oilseeds (seeds, nuts, almonds, etc.). Omega 3s are also important for the eyes and brain of the 10 week fetus. Small fatty fish (mackerel, anchovies, sardines, etc.) and nuts (hazelnuts, pistachios, etc.) contain it in sufficient proportions. 

Now is the time to fill up on vitamins with fruit. The vegetables, preferably steamed, are full of minerals, vitamins and fibers, essential to optimize the development of the baby and keep fit for the mother-to-be. It is advisable to consume 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. It is very easy to include them at every meal. To promote the proper absorption of vitamins, especially vitamin C, it is necessary to consume foods rich in iron.

If the nausea is still present, the trick is to split the meals. Another tip is to have poop or bread on the bedside table and eat it before you get up. 


10 weeks pregnant (12 weeks): how to adapt?

During pregnancy, essential oils should be avoided. They enter the bloodstream and some of them can harm the fetus. From 12 weeks of amenorrhea (10 SG), the pregnant woman can relax in a bath, but lukewarm. As the blood volume increases as well as the body temperature, the heat of the water will increase the sensation of heavy legs and promote the dilation of the vessels. 


Things to remember at 12:XNUMX PM

The first pregnancy ultrasound can be performed between 11 WA and 13 WA + 6 days, but this 10th week of pregnancy (12 weeks) now is the perfect time for this key review. Its objectives are multiple:

  • control the good vitality of the fetus;

  • date the pregnancy more precisely using different measurements (cranio-caudal length and biparietal diameter);

  • check the number of fetuses. If it is a twin pregnancy, the practitioner will endeavor to determine the type of pregnancy according to the number of placentas (monochorial for a single placenta or bichorial for two placentas);

  • measure nuchal translucency (fine black space behind the fetal neck) as part of the combined screening for trisomy 21;

  • check the overall morphology (head, thorax, extremities);

  • control the implantation of the trophoblast (future placenta) and the amount of amniotic fluid;

  • exclude a malformation of the uterus or a genital tumor.

  • If it has not yet been done, it is time to send the pregnancy certificate to the family allowance fund and to the health insurance fund.



    It is possible and recommended, unless there is a medical contraindication, to continue a physical activity during pregnancy, provided of course that you choose it well and adapt it. Walking, swimming, gentle gymnastics are the sports that are friends of the mother-to-be.

    From the start of pregnancy, it is advisable to create a “pregnancy file” in which to collect all the test results (blood test, urine analysis, ultrasound report, etc.). At each consultation, the mother-to-be brings this file which will follow her until the day of childbirth.

    For expectant mothers wishing to establish a birth plan, it is time to start documenting themselves and thinking about the type of childbirth desired. Ideally, this reflection is done in concert with the practitioner who follows the pregnancy: midwife or gynecologist.

    Pictures of the 10-week-old fetus

    Pregnancy week by week: 

    8th week of pregnancy

    9th week of pregnancy

    11th week of pregnancy

    12th week of pregnancy


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