10 unusual ways to fall asleep quickly

When your head is full of problems or plans for tomorrow, it can be extremely difficult to fall asleep. And if counting sheep and deep breathing no longer help, try a couple of less popular methods that we have compiled especially for you.

1. Put on your favorite socks

Keeping your feet warm moves blood flow to your extremities, which in turn is the perfect signal to your brain that you’re ready for a good night’s sleep.

2. Squeeze your toes

In addition to socks, a simple exercise from Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique will also help: try tensing and relaxing your toes alternately. Do this ten times in a row and then try to sleep. Thanks to this technique, the tension in your body will disappear and you will feel much more relaxed.

3. Try not to sleep

It may surprise you, but a great way to fall asleep faster is to… try your best to stay awake. If you tell your brain that you don’t want to sleep, it will interpret your request in exactly the opposite way. This may seem like a paradox, but the method of reverse psychology is based on this.

So lie down in bed and repeat to yourself, “I don’t want to sleep.” You will quickly feel your eyes begin to close.

4. Think about how your day went

Another reverse psychology technique you can use is to replay your day in your mind. Try to think about the most mundane things you did: what you ate for dinner, what train you took home, who you talked to. This technique will help you relax and clear your mind of worries.

5. Don’t count sheep, count breaths

Sheep counting is old school, try the 4-7-8 breathing technique instead. Inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for another seven seconds, and then exhale for another eight seconds. Try to repeat this several times. It will most likely take you no more than 60 seconds to fall asleep.

6. Wash your face with cold water

Wet your face with cold water. It seems that such a procedure will only cheer you up? No, it’s not. This phenomenon is called the diving reflex in mammals. Cold water lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, making you ready for bed.

7. Buzz like a bee

Lie down in bed, close your eyes, inhale and start buzzing or buzzing like a bee. Also known as bumblebee breathing, this technique helps clear your mind of negative thoughts. This practice will cheer you up, thanks to which the “hormone of happiness” serotonin, a precursor to melatonin, will be produced, which will help you fall asleep

8. Cook Yourself For Dinner…Breakfast

Yes, the foods that you usually eat for breakfast can be a life saver for you. For example, try eating a banana before bed. It has potassium and magnesium, two substances that will help you fall asleep quickly. You can also try banana tea to help regulate your blood sugar levels.

Cut a banana, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for a few minutes, and then drink the tincture along with honey

Good help with insomnia almonds, it reduces the heart rate. Also, try to avoid spicy and fatty foods before bed, as they will be hard to digest and prevent your body from relaxing.

9. Eat low-fat cheese before bed

Although we just warned you against eating fatty foods in the evening, low-fat cheese can have exactly the opposite effect. After all, it is rich in tryptophan – an amino acid, which, among other things, is considered “sleeping pills”.

If even these tips do not help you fall asleep, then we recommend that you contact your doctor as soon as possible, because sleep is of paramount importance for your health.

10. Put a pillow under your knees

If you sleep on your back, place a small pillow under your knees. This will reduce stress on the spine and allow the lower back to take on a natural curve. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees to help your spine align. A comfortable position will help you fall asleep faster.

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