Your medicine cabinet

Organize your medicine cabinet

The more complete and tidy your medicine cabinet is, the faster you will find what you need in an emergency …

What to put in your medicine cabinet?

Even if everything has apparently been planned to offer Baby a 100% secure home, we are never safe from a glitch, even a hard blow … A cut, a big bump or a high fever, and Here is Mom and Dad who suddenly realize that the paracetamol is gone, that the tube of bruising cream has expired or that the plaster is lying around somewhere in the house … Hence the importance of always having what you need at hand. So remember to fill a box, closed and inaccessible to your child, with all the products specially reserved for him, in case of emergency. And don’t forget to carefully store your health record in it. It will be easier to find there than if it hangs out with the household papers, especially in an emergency, when you have to take it with you to the pediatrician or to the hospital.

The basic products to have in your medicine cabinet for first aid:

  • an electronic thermometer;
  • an analgesic / antipyretic such as paracetamol, suitable for your child’s weight;
  • a colorless chlorhexidine type antiseptic;
  • sterile compresses;
  • adhesive bandages;
  • a pair of rounded nail scissors;
  • a splinter forceps;
  • antiallergic plaster;
  • a self-adhesive stretch band.

If the situation is more serious and depending on your child’s condition, alert or have the emergency services alerted after having carried out first aid measures to help him. To call the SAMU, make 15. This number allows you to have appropriate medical advice. Help can also be sent to you as quickly as possible. Also note: you must at all costs, avoid administering medication reserved for adults to a child. There are very serious risks of poisoning.

A tidy pharmacy

Also learn how to avoid anarchy in the medicine cabinet. Ideally, it is always better to have three compartments:

  • In the first behavior: adult medications ;
  • In the second behavior: baby medicines ;
  • In the third behavior: the first aid kit, reserved mainly for local care and disinfection.

If you have several children, you can opt for the formula »A compartment for each« in order to further limit the risk of error.

Another tip too, to make your life easier: on the inside of the medicine cabinet, stick a piece of paper indicating all useful phone numbers in the event of an accident. Do not forget to enter your mobile number there, for the babysitter or the nanny.

All parents know from experience: Baby’s medicines tend to accumulate very quickly. We often find ourselves keeping “just in case” opened products that we do not dare to bring back to the pharmacist. And yet, this is what it is advisable to do! Give him all the expired, used or unused products at the end of the treatment. Moreover, the same rule applies for medicines for which you have lost the package leaflet.

Attention, some products to keep in the refrigerator

These are the vaccines, some preparations, as well as suppositories. Place them in a labeled plastic box marked with a red cross for example.

 Medicine cabinet: a strategic location

Another imperative: choose a location and a judicious piece of furniture to place your pharmacy. Choose a dry and cool place (not in the kitchen or in the bathroom). Choose a high cabinet : Baby should never be able to reach the pharmacy. The doors of your pharmacy must be locked by a system that is easy for you to use, but unusable by a child. It is imperative to have a immediate access to products, very commonly used as soon as a baby is at home.

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