Your baby’s first summer

Protect Baby as much as possible from the sun

The sun is to be banned, as much for his skin as for his eyes, which are extremely fragile. If you take her to the beach, do it for a short while, place it in an anti-UV tent and only at times when the sun is not at its zenith: before 10 a.m. or after 16 p.m. In the garden or in the street, always stay in the shade.

Precautions, even in the shade

Make him wear quality glasses (index 3 or 4) even when the sun is veiled and a cap with a wide visor as soon as he sits a little. On a walk, if your stroller allows it, turn the hammock back to the sun. Never leave it longer under a parasol thinking it is protected. Finally, even in the shade, plan on suitable sunscreen.

Beware of the heat

The thermoregulation system of a newborn is not yet effective. Suddenly, his body temperature rises (or falls) according to the outside temperature. Two reflexes: always install it in the coolest room of the house and do not take it out when it is very hot.

Beware of hot and cold

It should be avoided large and sudden changes in temperature. The most frequent: when you get out of the air-conditioned car in an overheated street, or, on the contrary, from the stuffy car to rush into an air-conditioned store. Cunning: let some warm air into the car before getting out. Also plan a small jacket and a light cotton hat if your baby is less than 1 month old. Finally, always install it away from fresh air vents.

An adapted wardrobe

It is not because it is hot that your newborn baby should remain naked. He would quickly fall prey to mosquitoes! And above all, he can, during the first weeks, feel insecurity without a “cocoon” around him. Better cover it with a simple bodysuit or light cotton pajamas that absorbs sweat well and protects his shoulders and arms. Avoid synthetic materials at all costs.

Vigilance at mealtimes

The basic rule when it’s hot: adopt even more rigorous hygiene for the preparation of his bottle or his first small jars. Indeed, we must be wary of the proliferation of microbes, a source of annoying gastros in newborns. So, no baby bottle prepared in advance, no small open jar lying around on the kitchen table. As soon as the preparation is finished, the baby should be served. And discard any uneaten food within half an hour.

In the right place on the road

If the baby is installed in a rear-facing shell seat in the front seat, be careful that the sun does not “hit” directly on his head, at the level of the dashboard. If so, place him in the back seat with one of the two parents next to him. In all cases, the sun visors on all the windows (including the rear window) are essential: the reverberation is treacherous in the car.If you do not have air conditioning, the car quickly becomes an oven. Ventilate often, making sure that drafts do not reach it directly.

Good hydration in the car

First of all, give him a drink frequently. To refresh it, avoid using a sprayer: it deposits on its fragile skin small droplets of water which magnify and promote the reflection of the sun. Prefer a simple moistened handkerchief. Breaks every two hours maximum. Not just for refueling! Getting your little one out of their seat is important, to carry it in your arms, so that it does not stay for long hours in the same position. If he sleeps lying down in a carrycot, open all the doors to ventilate the passenger compartment. The best: take out your basket and take a few steps with it, in the shade.

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