You’re angry, it’s all about the meat: a selection of jokes about vegetarians

— Waiter, why are there artificial flowers in the vase? In a first-class restaurant, the flowers could be alive! – You’re right. But since our restaurant became a vegetarian restaurant, customers think that real flowers are a snack.

Meat Eater: Have you heard about the new study confirming that all vegans will go blind? I’m assuming it’s because you’re not eating the right foods. Vegan: No, that’s not why. You just have to read the ingredients in the small print.

The path to a vegetarian’s heart is littered with husks, rinds and bits.

One of the patrons in the restaurant had a heart attack. The waiter asks, “Is there a doctor here?” One person stands up: – I’m a vegan!

How many vegans does it take to change a light bulb? – Two: one changes, the other checks if it contains animal products.

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