World Bunting Festival

“Oatmeal, sir” – probably everyone remembers this British classic phrase. Oatmeal is considered a recognized English dish, a national feature. In English-speaking countries, crushed oats (rolled oats) are known as Quakers oats. It is also called and. However, not only foggy Albion can boast of its love for this wonderful dish.

Every year on the second Friday of April in the American town of St. George (South Carolina), a three-day festival dedicated to oatmeal begins. And it is called neither more nor less – World Bunting Festival (World Festival of ). Like this!

The festival was first held in 1985. This came after Bill Hunter, manager of the Piggly Wiggly supermarket, noticed that the residents of St. George bought oatmeal in significantly larger quantities than in other cities, and they eat it with constant gusto and appetite. This is how this festival was born, reminding the American audience fattening on hamburgers about healthy food …

I liked the festival, its traditions were gradually formed, and today it is a fun holiday, where you can not only use oatmeal for its intended purpose, but also eat it for speed and even wallow in porridge.


The music and dance competitions playing throughout the festival only whet the participants’ appetite. In addition, in addition to oatmeal, the participants of the celebrations are invited to taste pies and other dishes, the preparation of which is not complete without oatmeal as an integral part of the local culture.

The number of festival participants is growing from year to year and is already more than tens of thousands of people. The winners of the competitions, in addition to the honorary title, receive scholarships as a reward. Can you imagine? – here you can not only eat porridge, but also get money for it!

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