Without yoga and meditation: how to take care of yourself in a difficult life situation?

Difficult times someday come in the life of every person. It’s unavoidable. The only thing we can do is meet them fully armed. We tell you how to do it without putting much effort.

Imagine an athlete who is preparing for the Olympics. He has at least three years to get in the right shape, train properly and then show everyone what he is capable of. So he trains every day, right?

And here it is not. Three years is a long time. During this time, injuries and sprains occur in the life of an athlete. His body needs a well deserved rest. To reach the finish line, the most important thing he needs to do every day is take care of himself.

In a global sense, you and I are not very different from this athlete – anything also happens in our life, various obstacles appear on our way. We also need to rest and take care of ourselves. Even if there is absolutely no time for this, even if it is “eaten up” by a career and household chores. Otherwise, there is a great risk of “going the distance” ahead of schedule.

So what exactly can and should be done?

1. Go for a walk with a podcast or your favorite music

No matter how banal this advice may seem, you cannot do without it. The bottom line is that you need exercise and fresh air – in difficult times and in any other. In addition, studies show that listening to music helps reduce stress. Music consumes our attention, and some melodies even slow down the heart rate.

Podcasts work in a similar way: when we learn something new (disaster news doesn’t count), our stress level goes down.

2. Talk to a friend who understands you

There is nothing worse than opening up to a friend, talking about how difficult it is for us, and hearing in response “well, people somehow cope,” “others have it even worse,” or “don’t get hung up, everything will work out.”

So it is important to turn to those friends who will not devalue your feelings and climb with unsolicited advice.

3. Ask yourself: “What do I need right now?”

And when you hear the answer, act. Perhaps you need to sleep. Or have a good cry. Postpone work. Eat. Go for a walk … Do not deny yourself this.

Of course, life will not improve overnight because of such actions, but you can “charge the batteries” and feel better. And the better you understand yourself and respond to the call of your needs, the easier it will be for you to experience difficult times.

4. Remember the moment when everything was worse than ever

When things go from bad to worse, we find it hard to believe that things can still get better. It seems that this black streak will never end, but it is not.

Don’t believe? Recall a similar situation from the past – when things went worse than ever. What happened next? At what point did you feel better? When did hope dawn on the horizon? Give it to yourself today, now.

5. Drink a large glass of water and eat something delicious

Dehydration is extremely deplorable for our body: it can cause headaches, make us feel even more tired. You hardly need it now. In addition, dehydration is known to increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which means that drinking a glass of water can lower it and, as a result, relax a bit.

In the same way, stress levels rise due to a calorie deficit, so do not forget to snack, and not only right, but also tasty: you can use a little pleasure now.

6. Complete small tasks

You may have noticed that in difficult times it can be extremely difficult to concentrate and bring what you started to the end. Because of this, cases pile up and we feel that we are not coping. And so in a circle.

To regain a sense of control over your life and again feel the satisfaction of completing things, it is enough to switch to small tasks that you can complete even now without making much effort.

So when you finish reading this article, you can tidy up your room (or at least your desk), load the washing machine, water the flowers, pay the bills, or brush your teeth. So you will feel that you have already done something for today. What a great guy you are.

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