Why is it important to eat melon

There are many Varieties of melons – several thousand! And due to this diversity we can enjoy the sweet, tart taste of this Sunny fruit. Besides the original taste, the melon will be indispensable in the treatment of certain diseases or symptoms.

Enzymes and not only

Melon is rich in proteins, carbohydrates and organic acids. Its pulp contains enzymes and mineral substances necessary for proper digestion. Due to the high content in melon of nutrients – melon has a beneficial effect on the circulatory, nervous and immune systems of the human body.

A storehouse of vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals contained in melon, strengthens the skeleton, breathing leveled, cleaned mucous membranes and skin, better functioning heart.

Iron – base material, which participates in the circulatory system. It moves particles of oxygen in all blood vessels, stimulates the production of hormones and supports the immune system.

Calcium, magnesium and silicon in conjunction form a favorable environment for the functioning of the nervous system and the heart muscle.

Contribute to the improvement of the condition and the vitamins. So B1 strengthens the nervous system, improves memory, B2 helps the skin look healthier. Vitamin a protects cells from bacteria and viruses. Its antioxidant properties protect against harmful radicals, improves lung function and exacerbating the vision. Vitamin C increases the body’s resistance to disease – it in melon contains a daily dose. Folic acid, vitamins E and PP have a regenerating effect on the skin, the cell renewal of your body and your brain.

Precious fiber

Fiber in melon is tuff. This stimulates the gastro-intestinal tract, as contained in the melon inulin enriches and renews the intestinal flora and stomach. If you eat too much melon, it will be the opposite effect, so you should use this berry in moderation.

Why is it important to eat melon

For Whom melon is useful …

People suffering from reduced immunity, disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the blood and vascular systems. To all who have insomnia, intestine disorders, anemia, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver, melon also shown to drink.

…and who is contraindicated

Patients with diabetes, patients with inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, in nursing mothers – it can cause indigestion in babies.

More about melon benefits and harms read in our big article.

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