Why eggs can’t be boiled for too long

Breakfast is indispensable without them, the legendary Olivier salad and many other delicious salads and snacks cannot be prepared without them. These are boiled eggs. 

They’re a popular ingredient, but few people bother with how long they take to cook. Especially if in the end you just need hard-boiled eggs, as a rule, minutes are not counted and the eggs are boiled by eye. And in such a situation, there is a great risk of digesting eggs, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences for health. 

Here’s the thing: when eggs are boiled, hydrogen sulfide is released. It is a toxic gas that can enter protein. And the egg white contains sulfur. It forms toxic gas when combined with hydrogen. 

As the egg shell heats up, hydrogen sulfide penetrates into the product. The yolk contains iron, which, when interacting with hydrogen sulfide, leads to the appearance of sulfides. Therefore, the longer the egg is boiled, the more of them. Sulfides give the yolk a greenish color.


Therefore, after boiling, it is recommended to immediately immerse the egg in cold water to prevent digestion and still time the boiling time.

Overcooked eggs are toxic and can cause poisoning. 

We will remind, earlier we told which eggs are better – white or brown, as well as what to cook from boiled eggs.

Be healthy!

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