Why dream of a wedding
Not only the holiday itself, but the very anticipation of it excites. Therefore, you are so worried: why dream of a wedding in a dream book? ” Healthy Food Near Me” has collected the interpretation of dreams about the wedding especially for you

Wedding in Vanga’s dream book

The soothsayer attached great importance to this important event. And the interpretation of dreams about Vanga’s wedding makes you remember that, among other things, this is a big festive event. There will be many different people there. And if you dream of a wedding where you are walking with friends, then you will soon have a chance to meet your betrothed or betrothed. Not sure? But in vain. It’s a completely different matter if it’s you going down the aisle. Why dream of a wedding if it is your own? To a difficult decision. But if you were invited as an honored guest. Then wait – you will have to solve the problems of loved ones.

Wedding in Miller’s dream book

The interpretation of dreams about a wedding according to Miller basically says that he who sees them will be happy and solve his problems. Did you see yourself at the party? Anxiety and danger will recede. Did you get an offer? In reality, you will finally get what you have been seeking for so long, and others will appreciate you more. You woke up in tears – the beloved marries another? Interpretation of this dream according to Miller: you will soon worry and worry, but without any reason. But if you see each other ahead of time as a wife and husband, it’s not good. Why dream of a wedding if one of the guests is in mourning? Unfortunately. The interpretation of dreams about a wedding, if a young girl dreams of a wedding, is harsh. So, she needs to settle down and think about the future.

Wedding in Freud’s dream book

The interpretation of dreams about a wedding according to Freud considers a wedding as a starting point before the start of married life and harmonious sex. Therefore, why does a wedding usually dream? To the fact that a person wants sex. The body is signaling this to him. And the one who has no sexual experience yet? This message is about the desire for sex and the fear of it.

Wedding in Loff’s dream book

The interpretation of dreams about a wedding according to Loff’s dream book is based on the fact that, first of all, you need to figure out why you had such a dream. If there is a marriage in your plans or at least dreams, then why the wedding is dreaming is understandable. And if not? Then, according to Loff’s dream book, this indicates that you have taken on work or obligations that are very difficult. It is worth considering the prospects. And they are. So, why dream of a bright, cheerful wedding? So everything will work out. But if the wedding is dreary, if you think that the young people will not work out, it is better to give up new duties or obligations.

Wedding in the dream book of Nostradamus

The great soothsayer considered weddings a good event, and seeing them in a dream is an excellent omen. So, if you are sitting at the head of the table with the bride, financial success or career growth awaits you. Are you dreaming about your bride? The interpretation of dreams about a wedding according to Nostradamus interprets this dream as a harbinger of an unexpected present. It is also possible that you will meet your only, great love. Moreover, this is true for both ladies and gentlemen.

But for girls to see themselves in the image of a bride means great prospects ahead. You will definitely solve the problems that need to be solved! Forward. If you see in a dream the wedding of close relatives, then the brother, sister or children whose wedding was dreamed of will have a happy longevity and excellent health.

Wedding in Tsvetkov’s dream book

The interpretation of dreams about a wedding according to Tsvetkov’s dream book is by no means optimistic. The soothsayer was very suspicious of these celebrations and predicted sorrow and death. However, not always, usually – just trouble. Let’s say your dance at a wedding means upcoming problems on the love front. And if you dream of a conversation with guests at a wedding, it means that you will have a mess in business.

To see a bride in a dream means expectation, and for men, it also means prospects for a favorable change in business. For young ladies to see themselves in a wedding dress – to financial success. But if the dress is not suitable for the wedding ceremony, then such a dream speaks of problems with marriage and difficulties in business for men.

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Psychologist’s comment

Maria Khomyakova, psychologist, art therapist, fairy tale therapist:

The symbolism of the wedding celebration is very deep, it reflects the unity of male and female in a broader context. This is the union of two opposite structures, which now complement and support each other, and the formation of a new integral world and life-giving space that can give new life.

In fairy tales, the stories end with a wedding, metaphorically saying that each of the characters, reflecting the female and male I, has gone through his own individual path of growing up and is at a new life stage of qualitative changes – accepting his opposite part and gaining wholeness.

Speaking about the metaphor of internal psychological processes, one can characterize a wedding as a process of unification of emotions, feelings, intuition (the female part) and activity, actions, strategies (the male part) – the formation of the psychological integrity of a person.

Wedding dreams may indicate the process of internal changes on the way to personal integrity. But they can also reflect impressions of real events – dreams on the eve of their wedding, the wedding of friends, or after this event.

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