Why don’t plans for the summer come true?

Sometimes the anticipation of pleasure is better than the pleasure itself. The beginning of summer is a great time to remember this. We are waiting all year for the sun, light flying dresses, busy weekends spent with loved ones, the start of morning runs in the park … The list of points in the “summer plan” is long, but you will be surprised how rarely these points come true.

Why is this happening? What prevents us from making our dreams a reality, acquiring healthy habits, or simply following a plan that seemed so simple? It is worth dealing with the most common summer disappointments.

Not enough money

1. “I was going on a trip, but I didn’t have enough money for the trip, and when it came time for a vacation, it turned out that there was nothing special to do.”

Why don’t plans for the summer come true?

Planning summer trips, having a limited budget, of course, is better in advance. Ideally, at least 3-4 months before. This will help you save between 30 and 50% of the total cost on tickets and accommodation if you are organizing the trip yourself. A tour bought in winter will also be much cheaper. Most tour operators today offer significant discounts for early bookings.

However, lost time does not necessarily mean lost savings. Favorable tourist offers appear constantly. And of course, they immediately disappear! If you have a Schengen visa in your passport, just keep track of the information on the websites of last-minute tours and cheap flights every day, since it has become easier to do this — you just need to subscribe to updates from one of these resources and be ready to redeem the offer right away!

If you understand that you definitely won’t be able to fly to the sea, and you can’t afford a weekend tour to Europe, this does not mean that “summer is gone”. What prevents you from rushing for a few days to visit, for example, a university friend or organizing a week-long outing into the forest with friends? As a rule, it is precisely such trips that then remain in memory for years!

Get out of the apartment, out of your city, just change the situation — it doesn’t matter so much, with friends, relatives or alone. It’s time to break the stereotype that a well-spent summer is by the sea. For our brain and receptors, any move is good. If you tune in to contemplation, relaxation, the absence of rigid frames and plans, see new landscapes around, immerse yourself in thoughts or read a good book on a train or bus — this will already be a wonderful experience. And believe me, in order to enjoy such a holiday, you do not need to have a lot of money at all.

lose weight for summer

2. “I planned to lose weight by the summer, but I didn’t find the strength to go in for sports, and now it’s too late to start.”

Why don’t plans for the summer come true?

Losing weight by summer is an intention that, perhaps, every woman has expressed at least once in her life. Of course, there are many obstacles on the way to a fit athletic figure: it’s cold to run outside at first, and then it’s somehow awkward, in the gym it’s expensive …

Psychologists advise looking at the situation from a different angle. Do not demand from yourself sports achievements from the start. Summer is definitely the perfect time to get in shape. At least because the weather allows you to walk a lot on rough terrain, swim in ponds and ride a bike. Look at sports as entertainment and use the perfect opportunity to have fun and work out.

Best of all, the load is perceived in the company. Through communication, attention shifts from “excruciating effort” and shortness of breath to another person, and the dynamics of training, no matter how difficult they may be, will grow much faster. In addition, shirking another run or bike ride is more difficult if you have already agreed on this with a friend.

Meeting with love

Why don’t plans for the summer come true?

3. “It seemed to me that when summer comes, I will meet my love. In fact, as soon as it got warmer, there were even more cooing couples around, and I feel even more alone. ”.

The good news is that the warmer months do increase our romantic activity. It is believed that men and women in the summer are more liberated and set to flirt.

So use it! Why focus on kissing couples and roll your eyes in annoyance? Summer is a great time to socialize. The more public places, open air and outdoor events you visit, the more likely it is to first expand your social circle, and then, who knows, maybe meet “the one”.

Relationship experts emphasize that it is important that the events you attend are interesting for you, and not just trendy or popular. After all, you go there for communication, and it is easiest to start it with people with similar hobbies. There is one more, almost paradoxical recommendation for those who are looking for love in the summer: do not set yourself the task of making all the more or less attractive men in the company fall in love with you. On the contrary, tune in to a friendly light conversation. Do not expect signs of attention from anyone, do not be generous with smiles yourself. Setting «go just to chat» will remove the internal clamp and save you from the «seeking look» that never decorates a woman.

Perfect tan on the beach

Why don’t plans for the summer come true?

4. “Every summer I am going to get a stunning tan, but as a result, in the first month in the country, I get the most uneven tan and cannot even out it until the fall.”

Do you think girls with even brown tan look sultry and sexy? Stylists will be very skeptical of this opinion. Fashion for a tan is disappearing rapidly and, most likely, irrevocably. Browned shoulders and knees are now considered rather a sign of bad taste. In addition, the dark color of the skin will obviously add to your age. By the way, over time, this will be not only a visual effect: photoaging is the most indomitable of the processes that affect skin aging.

You know that sunburn is a skin reaction to a burn, that is, in fact, a protective reaction to injury? Excessive exposure to the sun is a serious threat, so Hollywood stars have chosen «fake tan», which is washed off after a photo shoot — no one wants to risk their health for a darker skin tone.

Of course, this does not mean that the entrance to the beach is now closed. You can pamper yourself with the sun’s rays and quite safely, protecting yourself with a high-quality cream with the maximum degree of protection. He, by the way, will not greatly interfere with tanning, but in this case the sun will cause minimal damage to the skin.

If you are one of those who already in June becomes the owner of a «dacha» tan, the recipe is the same: a cream with a high protection factor plus a hat with a visor that protects the face, as well as weeding and any field work during hours of inactive sun.

The goal of “tanning as much as possible” should be excluded from the list of plans for the summer for a long time. In this, doctors and fashion experts are unanimous.

Summer is different

Why don’t plans for the summer come true?

5. “At first I plan to start a new life in the New Year, and when it doesn’t work out, I console myself with the fact that in the summer I will definitely start the changes. Summer is coming and I don’t know where to start.

Start with a new dress. No, this is not a joke or advice from Evelina Khromtchenko. Let it become a symbol of the changes that you have long wanted. Dare to make an unplanned expense: go to the store and choose a thing that will really adorn you — it will fit you, be in “your” color and hide everything that you would not want to put on public display. Imagine that it is in this dress that you will enter a new life.

Of course, this does not mean that a new thing in the closet will magically solve all your problems, but perhaps it will give you courage, determination, and just help you look at yourself in a new way.

Choose an outfit depending on what you want to change — be it the perfect dress for a new job interview, a smart dress for a date, or a sports dress for your first tennis practice… Imagine how, wearing it, you will accomplish what you have long wanted , planned, pondered, but feared.

Perhaps it will be just a light flying tunic in which, having canceled all business, you will spend your first “unauthorized husband and children” hour for yourself in a long time, just sitting in the park with ice cream. Or a strict sheath dress with a rigid silhouette that will protect you from fear at the presentation of the project in front of the authorities. How about a beach dress? Or a seductive outfit that you can only wear in the bedroom?

Don’t be afraid to change

The meaning of this, at first glance, infantile act is precisely in the physical start, the easy and pleasant beginning of change, in the visualization of the results of what you have been nurturing in your plans for a long time. After all, what are you risking? If all else fails, you will have a beautiful thing in your wardrobe that reminds you of the important changes that you need. And if you can not only try on an outfit, but also make enough efforts to make life different, you will find a new you. Agree, not so little for one summer.

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