Why do women need to eat a persimmon

We have rejoiced that the earlier exotic persimmons are now grown in our country and we talked about how to choose a good and delicious persimmon.

Sellers offer many different persimmons and, of course, in autumn and winter, the fruit must be for sure included in the menu. That’s to make it better consciously, knowing its useful properties will share the persimmons with you.

How useful is persimmon

Persimmon is rich in dietary fibers, pectin, and fiber, making it indispensable for our digestion.

Rich in vitamins composition of persimmon helps to strengthen the immune system. The fruit contains large amounts of vitamins B, C, potassium, iron, and iodine. The presence of persimmon in the daily menu activates the body’s protective functions and helps it fight infections and viruses.

Iron, which is rich in persimmon, will help to combat anemia. And the iodine present in it improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Why do women need to eat a persimmon

Why women should pay attention to the persimmon

Persimmon is a dietary product with relatively low (about 80 kilocalories per 100 grams of product) calories, and that means you can eat it without fear of harming the figure.

The composition of persimmons contains vitamins A, beta-carotene, vitamin E, and other antioxidants, determining skin, hair, and nails.

This means that eating persimmon will have a positive impact on your appearance!

Why do women need to eat a persimmon

How to eat a persimmon

Like all other fruits, persimmon is better eaten separately from the main meal. Can as a snack. And it is good to eat persimmons before eating, so it is possible to improve the appetite and digestive process. The pectin contained in the fruit will positively affect the entire digestive system in General and will effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

But persimmon should not be eaten while fasting. It can cause pain and vomiting, and regular overeating is fraught with the operation.

Why do women need to eat a persimmon

Who can not eat persimmons

Not to all persimmons are useful. So, persimmon is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes and obesity as the fruit slightly raises blood sugar.

Due to the high content of Tonin, persimmon is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age and people who recently had surgical intervention in the gastrointestinal tract.

In General, the rate of 100-200 g of persimmon is how much a healthy person should get all the useful properties of persimmon in full.

But if you have the fruit in large quantities, it can have an exciting consequence in the form of so-called “mechanical jaundice,” when the skin may remain yellow for more than a week.

Varnish persimmon! Make it into salads, smoothies, delicious food, eat it! And be healthy!

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