Why do hemorrhoids form?

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Due to the current way of life, anorectal diseases affect more and more people. Most of us are ashamed of this ailment. Meanwhile, it can turn life into a nightmare. Find out how hemorrhoids form and how you can help yourself.

The main symptom of haemorrhoidal disease is itching, burning, pain and rectal bleeding. Due to the location of the disease, many find the problem embarrassing. That’s why they don’t try to help themselves. Meanwhile, hemorrhoids need to be treated.

Excretion under control

Spending many hours in a sitting position, at work and at home, lack of any physical activity, a diet low in fiber, obesity and genetically determined weakening of connective tissue are the most common causes of hemorrhoids.

It is the unhealthy lifestyle that most often brings about this unpleasant ailment. Hemorrhoids are tiny hemorrhoids, which are tangles of blood vessels that resemble spongy cushions. They form small protrusions in the rectal mucosa. Each of us has them because they help the sphincter muscles seal the mouth of the large intestine and control bowel movements.

Our large intestine is a kind of hydraulic system. When it works properly, when the sphincter muscles relax, the blood from the hemorrhoids drains back, allowing the stool to pass without any symptoms of discomfort or pain. Problems begin when the nodules become inflamed. Then they draw blood that does not retreat. The lumps become less flexible. That’s when we start to feel pain. When the situation repeats itself often, we are dealing with a condition called haemorrhoids.

Mysterious disease

The causes of hemorrhoids are not fully known. It is suspected that they are formed as a result of changes in the structure and function of the veins, arteries and arteriovenous connections in the anus. These changes may be a consequence of increased intra-abdominal pressure caused, inter alia, by the aforementioned factors: pregnancy, excessive pressure on the stool or prolonged sitting position. Vessels widen too much and blood does not drain properly. Hemorrhoids also appear as a result of muscle degeneration and weakness, thanks to which blood vessels are attached to the anus, which allows them to move and – in extreme cases – to go outside. Due to the swelling of blood vessels, the mucosa in the anal canal stretches and produces swellings, and consequently the so-called haemorrhoids, which sometimes bleed The patient also experiences irritation of the mucosa, which causes itching and burning.

For the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids, you can use For hemorrhoids – a herbal mixture from which you can prepare an infusion that seals blood vessels and protects mucous membranes.

Democratic disease

Hemorrhoids attack both rich and poor, young and old. Almost every second adult is affected. Factors contributing to their development include a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, a diet low in fiber, frequent constipation, hypertension or pregnancy (in this case, the causes are hormones and the pressure of the uterus on the intestines). These ailments may also appear in people who practice sports related to sitting, e.g. horse riding or cycling. It is also unhealthy to wait a long time before passing stools, opening the way for hemorrhoids. Specialists emphasize that sitting for many hours in front of a computer or TV, as well as dietary mistakes, i.e. not enough vegetables, too much sweets and not enough water to drink, contribute to the development of this disease. Hemorrhoids also appear frequently in people with hypertension, heart failure, and also in the elderly.

It is important to observe even the smallest changes that may indicate anorectal disease. Properly early prophylaxis will not only help prevent, but also avoid recurring unpleasant ailments. One of the first symptoms is burning and itching in the anus – once you notice these first symptoms, it’s worth discussing them with your GP. Breaking the shame and informing the doctor about the condition will help to prevent the development of the problem quickly.

Rectal bleeding means that the situation is already serious and we must seek the help of a specialist – a family doctor, or even better a proctologist. In many patients, treatment consists of changing the diet, including a probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus PL1 and the use of rectal suppositories and ointments. Some people use freezing, injecting substances that cause vascular fibrosis, laser light or clamping the nodule with a rubber band that cuts off the blood supply. 5 to 10 percent patients require surgery.

It can be treated

If your doctor finds you have hemorrhoids, he or she may recommend over-the-counter suppositories or ointments that relieve pain, itching and burning, and seal blood vessels and are anti-inflammatory. We recommend, for example, Hemorella ointment for hemorrhoids or HEMOpran – cream for hemorrhoids. Oral preparations containing live strains of probiotic bacteria are also helpful Lactobacillus rhamnosus PL1. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation, support treatment and prevent their formation. Physical activity is an ally in the fight against hemorrhoids, but intensive strength training, cycling and horse riding are not recommended. You have to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, prunes or figs, wholemeal brown bread, bran, uncrushed flax seeds. You should drink 2 liters of water a day and limit the consumption of stimulants promoting constipation, such as chocolate, carbonated drinks, cocoa, coffee or black tea. You can also make yourself a session on an infusion of herbs. At Medonet Market you can buy a mixture of herbs for hemorrhoids for soothing, astringent and analgesic properties at a favorable price. It is also worth using herbs as an infusion for drinking. You can buy a ready-made mixture of herbs for hemorrhoids for making tea at Medonet Market.

Remember, untreated and underestimated hemorrhoids can lead to numerous complications, even requiring a surgical operation.

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