Which soups are the most useful for health

The first traditional dishes in our diet. In the spring, we cook soups with lots of greenery. In the summer, go-to okroshka, gazpacho, minestrone.

What soups are the most useful? Here are the TOP 3 starters, which you should give preference to.

3rd place – a hodgepodge

It turns out that hodgepodge is now a fashionable dish in the United States. The fact is that it proved that cucumber pickle is the perfect balance of potassium and magnesium, and therefore, the dishes with it have raised their culinary status.

Do not assume hodgepodge too high-calorie. Its calorie content is about 70 kcal per 100 g or about 250 kcal per portion 350, which Is almost two times lower than the calorie content of popular soups, which are perceived by many diets, but when cooking, which uses heavy cream.

Which soups are the most useful for health

2nd place – vegetable soup

Vegetable soup has lycopene from tomatoes, amino acids from beans; it is delicious and satisfying. Therefore, it gives strength and vitamins to the body.

On one level, it is vegetable soup. But only under the condition that the vegetables are grown for it on my grandmother’s garden in the absence of all kinds of pesticides, herbicides, GMOs.

Which soups are the most useful for health

1st place – chicken soup

Use chicken soup especially for sick people, especially in viral respiratory diseases, in the presence of a special substance — carnosine, which has powerful immune-stimulating effects.

Plus, organosulfide — substances in garlic and onions, along with vitamin D, stimulates immune cells-macrophages production. And carrots, you can find vitamin a and carotenoids, which promote antibody production.

Which soups are the most useful for health

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