Which, to whom and how often: you should eat beets

Considering your diet healthy foods, we often forget about the most simple available for our latitude vegetables. But their useful properties and influence on our body no less strong than fancy expensive ingredients.

One of these products, beets. It should be recalled, what benefits it can bring to our health.

7 reasons to love beets

1. Beetroot is not just borsch and herring under a fur coat. From the root, you can cook chips, candy, and even ice cream.

2. It contains vitamins B, PP, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, magnesium, and other minerals. Beet has a restorative effect on the body, improves digestion, and improves metabolism.

3. Beets are used as a prevention of oncological diseases because in their composition there are pigments betacyanin that inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Because of the low-calorie – beets often become the basis for the diet. It has mild laxative properties, perfectly removes toxins from the body.

4. Beets – great blood-clotting tool, it is actively used for the treatment of anemia. It also cleanses the kidneys.

5. the beet contains organic compounds that are beneficial to the blood vessels of the brain. Thus, this root vegetable is a preventive measure against dementia.

6. Known properties of beet to rejuvenate our body and increase endurance in athletes during the competition.

7. Beets contain folic acid and help the body’s absorption of vitamin D. This vegetable improves the heart, cleanses the liver, and lowers blood pressure.

Which, to whom and how often: you should eat beets

Cooked or raw?

Fresh beets have a low glycemic index that is why the option of using it uncooked is preferred. Cooked beetroot has a high glycemic index and carbohydrates of the complex when cooking becomes simple. At the high temperature, all vitamins from beets also disappear. But cooked beetroot is better to cleanse the intestine and is digested by the stomach.

Which, to whom and how often: you should eat beets

Who should not use beets

For those who have chronic diseases of the digestive system, the use of beet is contraindicated. Especially if diseases are accompanied by the syndrome of increased acidity.

For more about beetroot health benefits and harms read our big article.


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