What to do to prevent iron deficiency?

What to do to prevent iron deficiency?

Screening measures

  • Routine screening for iron deficiency is recommended for pregnant women.
  • If the doctor suspects an iron deficiency in a patient based on their symptoms, they suggest a blood test.

Basic preventive measures

Eat foods rich in iron regularly

Iron exists in two main forms: iron heme, found in animal source foods, is readily metabolized by the body, while the non-heme iron (found in plant-based foods) is less well absorbed. The difference in absorption is attributable to the presence of phytic acid and tannins in the plants.

Normally, a healthy and varied diet provides enough iron. the meat liver or volaille, clams, roast beef, ground turkey and sardines are excellent sources of heme iron, while dried fruits, molasses, whole grains, legumes, green vegetables, nuts and seeds contain only non-heme iron.

A 70 kg man has iron stores for about 4 years. For women, due to menstruation, iron stores have a much shorter duration: a 55 kg woman has reserves for about 6 months.

To find out about other dietary sources of iron as well as the recommended daily intakes, see our Iron sheet. Also take our Do you lack iron? Test.

Remark. Followers of vegetarianism do not always consume the required amount of iron. Since iron from foods in the plant kingdom is less well absorbed than that in the animal kingdom, vegetarians are recommended to consume foods rich in vitamin C (red pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, orange juice, etc.) during meals to improve iron absorption. Some people might benefit from taking a supplément of iron. If in doubt, consult a healthcare practitioner.

Measures to prevent recurrence

People who have had anemia in the past are more likely to have it again (depending on the cause). The following measures can reduce this risk.


For some people, taking an iron supplement or an iron-containing multivitamin is helpful in maintaining reserves. They should be taken only on the advice of a healthcare practitioner, given the risks associated with overdose.


It is important to be very vigilant. For example, in addition to regularly consuming animal-source foods with a source of vitamin C, it is recommended that people who drink tea or coffee not to do so at mealtimes. These drinks are best taken one hour before a meal or two hours after. Tea and coffee contain tannins that interfere with the absorption of iron from food.

See other advice from nutritionist Hélène Baribeau in the Customized Diet: Anemia.

Oral contraceptives

If heavy periods are the cause of anemia, taking birth control pills may help because they reduce menstrual flow.


What to do to prevent iron deficiency? : understand everything in 2 min

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