What to do after a spider bite?

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How to behave after a spider bite? What symptoms should I look for? What should worry us? Is the venom of spiders living in Poland dangerous? The question is answered by the drug. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski.

  1. Spider bite is not a rare occurrence at all
  2. In the absence of allergy to the venom, there is generally no serious threat as far as spiders living in Poland are concerned
  3. However, the bite can be dangerous, among others for children and the elderly
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

What should be done after a spider bite?

Good day. Soon, with my husband and 5-year-old daughter, we set off on a trip to the Ojców National Park. While searching for information on how to prepare for the visit, I came across a very disturbing note. Well, the park is said to be home to a cave networker, one of the most poisonous spiders in Poland.

Therefore, I am asking for information what to do in case of a bite? What are the symptoms after spider bite? Is it painful at all? Once upon a time I was slightly nipped by an ordinary house spider, but nothing happened to me. Whether spider venomwho live in Poland, is it dangerous? It has always seemed to me that the only real threats are the exotic ones. In the event of an attack by any of the dangerous spiders should I go to the hospital right away?

I am afraid that I or one of my relatives could catch Lyme disease. My husband says I’m panicking, but as they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry than to burn yourself hot. Maybe you could recommend me some medications, etc. that are worth having with you in case of emergency spider attack? After all, I can do injections. Thank you for the quick reply! Regards.

The doctor explains how to behave after a spider’s bite

Madam, spider venom is dangerous, first of all, to people who are allergic to it. In this case, the bite reaction may be violent and may result in anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, such situations are extremely rare. The most common symptoms of a spider bite include swelling at the site of the bite, pain, itching, and warming and reddening of the skin.

The intensity of symptoms may vary, and they generally result from the type of venom, age and state of health of the patient as well as other individual predispositions. In general, older adults and young children are more likely to develop symptoms more severely. In their case, the pain may be severe and the swelling may be increasing. There are situations when it comes to the site of the bite bacterial superinfection and the development of purulent inflammation. Then, apart from the swelling, there is a purulent plug or pus oozing from the wound.

In the case of bacterial superinfection, it is recommended to use antibiotics, either orally or topically. In other cases, symptomatic treatment consisting in the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, also in the form of tablets or topical form, is sufficient, especially gels containing ketoprofen or diclofenac.

In case of itching, it is worth using antiallergic drugs, which will also reduce the swelling to some extent. When it comes to treating the edema itself, it is best to use topical medications containing aluminum acetate, which it works by reducing swelling.

People who are allergic to spider venom should be especially careful. After being bitten, they can develop symptoms such as shortness of breath, generalized urticaria, abdominal pain, drop in blood pressure, and even loss of consciousness and shock, which may be fatal. Such persons should carry pre-filled syringes with adrenaline, which should be administered intramuscularly as soon as possible in the event of these symptoms. Then such a person should be transported to the hospital.

– Lek. Paweł Żmuda-Trzebiatowski

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