What really happens during childbirth?

Regular contractions, dilation of the cervix, expulsion and delivery are the stages of a vaginal birth. But is birth limited to these different times? What would your friends who have been there to tell you if you asked them what to expect when you become a mom?
Relieve pain with an epidural … or not!
This is not a scoop: the pain experienced during childbirth can be intense. The epidural makes it possible to relieve the labor of many mothers. However, do not imagine that the anesthesiologist will come and give you your injection with a simple snap of the fingers. He may be busy elsewhere and take a long time to come. You may also not be able to access the epidural for various reasons.. Fortunately, there are other solutions for pain relief, and midwives are here to help.
The wait can be long, very long
If, for some women, childbirth takes place at high speed and the baby passes “like a letter to the Post Office”, this is not the rule. In general, you have to be patient before your baby points the tip of his nose and it is estimated thatit is necessary to wait between 8 and 13 hours before the delivery. Lying in a room with a monitor installed on your stomach, you can find yourself alone (or accompanied) for long hours interspersed with visits from the midwife who comes to check that everything is going well. Consider taking some reading or sudoku to kill time!
Hunger and thirst can tug you up
You may spend several hours waiting for the big moment, but do not plan to treat yourself to a little snack break! Even water is strongly discouraged, so be prepared to get thirsty. This is’a precaution taken by the doctors, in the event that an intervention needs to be carried out urgently. But it is possible, even recommended, to bring a fogger in your maternity suitcase. Spraying on the face reduces the feeling of dryness.
The obstetrician is often absent
While you have seen your gynecologist regularly throughout your pregnancy and find him almost intimate, during your childbirth you are very likely not to see him and his colleagues. It will be the midwives who will accompany you throughout your childbirth and this is also very good, since not only is it the heart of their profession, but above all, it means that everything is going well. Obstetricians are only called in when there is a problem.
Great fatigue can occur
Giving birth takes an incredible amount of energy and it even seems that giving birth burns as many calories as when you run a marathon. Fatigue can appear during or soon after childbirth, and it is not uncommon for a mom to take a good, restorative nap after the baby is born. If carrying your child is beyond your strength, don’t beat yourself up, it will not be left on its own. The medical team is looking after him and there will always be a family member to hug him. He may also want to sleep and you will give yourself a big hug after waking up!
One-time delivery for one-time baby
Moms-to-be often imagine that they will be filled with happiness the moment they see their baby. For some it will be a magical moment, but for others the reality will be different. Those who have not given birth vaguely may feel frustrated about having had a caesarean. For those who are breastfeeding, it may not be that simple. Others will feel a huge void in their body, or have painful stomach aches. Some will have low morale with the effects of the baby blues. At the slightest problem or hassle, do not hesitate to talk to the medical team, who will be able to relieve you and help you.. Either way, every childbirth is different, just like every child is unique. Even if a mother does not necessarily live her childbirth the way she dreamed it, the fact remains that she will not be able to rethink it not without emotion and remember this meeting which changed her life.
Perrine Deurot-Bien
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