What kind of pet is better to have in the apartment

What kind of pet is better to have in the apartment

What kind of pet to have, so that it does not turn into an incompatibility of characters and cohabitation gave everyone only positive emotions? Pets are an extra dose of joy every day. But at the same time, these are additional duties and responsibilities. And this must be taken into account even before you get yourself a pet. You will find recommendations for choosing a future pet in this article.

What is the best pet to have?


First of all, you need to decide what you expect from your pet. If you are looking for a walking or jogging companion, then your choice is an active dog. Many consider the dog to be an ideal companion animal, a faithful companion of its owner. But a dog’s temperament and inclinations are largely determined by the breed. Someone suits a cheerful and active Labrador, while others prefer the tame Yorkshire Terrier. So before buying a puppy, be sure to read the breed information and maintenance requirements.


If you are not ready to walk the animal twice a day, actively play with it in the fresh air and pay maximum attention at home, it is better to have a cat. She will be waiting for you from work and happily meet you at the door. However, cats do not require as much attention to themselves as dogs. It is enough for them to receive their portion of affection and food from the owner, and most of the day she can safely doze on the couch.

A cat does not need walks, it can live quite happily, without leaving the apartment at all, if it is taught to a tray and a scratching post.

The disadvantage of keeping cats is the smell from their toilet. This problem is solved by choosing the correct litter and keeping the tray clean. Another nuance: spring cries of cats at night and tags from cats. If your goal is not to breed kittens, then you can neuter your pet and live in peace.

Cats also have different temperaments depending on the breed. Some are calm and phlegmatic, such as Persians and exotics. Others are more active and sociable, for example Siberian, Maine Coons.

The breed of a cat must be selected taking into account its character, so that the pet does not irritate, but corresponds to your character.

Rodents and birds.

This category of pets requires very little attention, they are quite self-sufficient. Although if you buy one parrot, you will have to communicate a lot with him, since these are flocking birds and they need an active company.

Aquarium fish.

These are the most calm and silent pets. An aquarium is more of an interior decoration and a means of relaxation than entertainment. Nevertheless, caring for fish is a rather responsible business. When choosing fish, it is worth considering their adult size and compatibility. Otherwise, it may turn out that they will die due to the tightness in the aquarium or eat each other.

Fish are also very sensitive to the purity of the water and the quality of food, so leaving them for a long time on self-service will not work.

In general, when choosing which pet is better to have in an apartment, you need to consider the following points:

· The size of the living space;

· The amount of free time;

· The cost of maintenance and care;

• will you agree on temperament;

· Whether you have someone to leave your pet with at the time of departure.

If you approach the choice of a pet deliberately and without haste, you will minimize possible troubles, and your life will be enriched by communication with a new four-legged (winged, tailed) friend.

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