What is the role of the father in the family and who should raise the child

W’Day found Instagram that is entirely dedicated to fathers and their desire to show that they love children just as much as mothers. And they take care of them the same way.

When a woman is pregnant, all the attention and care of relatives belongs to her. When a baby is born, attention and care migrate to the baby. To be honest, a woman is a little forgotten. Where is the place for dad here? The stereotypes of a patriarchal society say that it is a father’s job to go to work and bring money home.

A recent poll by VTsIOM showed that 72 percent of people believe that a man is quite capable of handling women’s responsibilities in caring for a child. However, more than half of the respondents said that they do not know such families where the father would be involved in raising children. Such a tradition: mom takes care of the children, dad is the breadwinner and breadwinner.

What do the dads themselves think?

The network has a whole portal dedicated to fathers. It’s called “Don’t Forget About Dads.” Men are just trying to convey to the public the idea that they are the same parents as mothers. Only dads.

“We are not nurses, not visiting mothers, not just earners. We are PARENTS, ”say the men. And the pictures are cited as proof – they and the children. Dads in the first seconds after giving birth, and then – with slings, bottles, strollers, swollen from lack of sleep, fiddling with diapers and diapers, dads, selflessly playing with children. They even have their own Instagram channel. After all, fathers, just like mothers, take selfies with their babies.

The idea of ​​creating such a portal, by the way, belongs to a woman. Generi Harsche first created the Childbirth Without Fear account. And then she drew attention to how often fathers are “squeezed” from caring for the baby.

“But your partner after the birth of a child is the only person whom we can fully and completely trust. Why don’t we do this? Why do we forget about fathers? ” The woman asked.

In the United States, just like ours, they look askance at men on maternity leave. And there are exactly the same traditions that suggest that mom is more important. It is important, of course. But when a child has both a mom and a dad, can’t they be the same?

“We decided to destroy these stereotypes. And that’s why we show on social networks that dads are as caring parents as mothers, ”explains Generi.

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