Evanna Lynch: “Don’t think of veganism as a limitation”

Irish actress Evanna Lynch, famous all over the world for her role in Harry Potter, talks about what veganism is for her and how her life has changed for the better.

Well, for starters, I’ve always harbored a strong aversion to violence and taken it to heart. I don’t think anyone can get better as long as there is cruelty in the world. I hear an inner voice, quiet but sure, that says “NO!” every time I witness violence. To be indifferent to animal cruelty is to ignore your inner voice, and I have no intention of doing so. You know, I see animals as much more spiritual and even, in some way, “conscious” beings than people. It seems to me that the idea of ​​veganism has always been in my nature, but it took me a long time to realize this. At the age of 11, I became a vegetarian, because the naduh could not stand the idea of ​​eating animal or fish flesh and that meat is a product of murder. It wasn’t until 2013, while reading Eating Animals, that I realized how ethically inadequate the vegetarian lifestyle was, and that’s when I began my transition to veganism. In fact, it took me 2 whole years.

I always quote from Vegucated (an American documentary about veganism). “Veganism is not about following certain rules or restrictions, it’s not about being perfect – it’s about minimizing suffering and violence.” Many perceive this as a utopian, ideal and even hypocritical position. I don’t equate veganism with a “healthy diet” or “gluten-free” – it’s just food preference. I believe that the root or basis of vegan nutrition should be compassion. It is a daily understanding that we are all one. Lack of compassion and respect for someone who is somewhat different from us, for what is alien, incomprehensible and unusual at first glance – this is what alienates us from each other and is the cause of suffering.

People use power in one of two ways: by manipulating it, suppressing “subordinates”, thereby raising their importance, or they use the benefits and life advantages that power opens up and help those who are weaker. I don’t know why people still prefer the first option over animals. Why are we still unable to recognize our role as protectors?

Oh, very positive! To be honest, I was a little afraid to officially announce this on my Instagram and Twitter pages. On the one hand, I was afraid of ridicule, on the other hand, the comment of avid vegans who would not take me seriously. I also didn’t want to be labeled so as not to create expectations that I was about to release a book with vegan recipes or something like that. However, as soon as I posted the information on social networks, I immediately, to my surprise, received a wave of support and love! In addition, several representatives of ethical business also responded to my statement with proposals for cooperation.

Only now my relatives are gradually accepting my views. And their support is very important to me, because I know that they will not support the meat industry if they just stop and think a little. However, my friends are not one of those who like it when smart books and articles are slipped to them and taught about life. So I need to be a living example to them of how to be a healthy and happy vegan. After reading a mountain of literature, having studied a large amount of information, I managed to show my family that veganism is not the lot of inveterate hippies alone. After spending a week with me in Los Angeles, my mom bought a nice food processor when she returned to Ireland and now makes vegan pesto and almond butter, proudly sharing with me how many vegetarian meals she cooked in a week.

Refusal of certain foods, especially desserts. Sweet has a very subtle effect on my mental state. I have always loved desserts and was raised by a mom who expressed her love through sweet pastries! Every time I came home after a long filming, a beautiful cherry pie was waiting for me at home. Giving up these foods meant giving up love, which was hard enough. Now it is much easier for me, because I have been working on myself, on the psychological addiction that has existed since childhood. Of course, I still find joy in the vegan caramel chocolate that I indulge in on weekends.

Yes, of course, I see how veganism is gaining popularity, and restaurants are becoming more attentive and respectful of non-meat options. However, I think there is still a long way to go to see veganism not as a “diet” but as a way of life. And, to be honest, I think that the “green menu” should be present in all restaurants.

I can only advise you to enjoy the process and the changes. Meat-eaters will say that this is extreme or asceticism, but in reality it is about living and eating fully. I will also say that it is important to find like-minded people who support your lifestyle and worldview – this is very motivating. As a person who has suffered from food addictions and disorders, I will note: do not perceive veganism as a limitation on yourself. A rich world of plant food sources opens up before you, perhaps you do not yet realize how diverse it is.

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