Dream about the Army – meaning

In this material, we will figure out what the army is in the dream of in a dream. Let’s try to penetrate into this amazing sacrament.

Dreams about the army are often a reflection of our feelings about upcoming events. You understand the importance and responsibility of what is happening, that much in this event depends on you. If you need to find out what the army is in the dream of, try to remember the dream in great detail and turn to the dream book for help. The meaning of such dreams is quite diverse, so every moment of night dreams is important.

Vanga she was afraid of wars, and most likely, therefore, she did not give positive interpretations to such a plot.

You were taken into the army – you are waiting for failures at work and some kind of forced labor.

in the dream about military service means your broken hopes and a sense of hopelessness. The main thing is not to despair and not give up, remember that a black stripe is always followed by a white one.

A fight in the army – most likely, someone in your environment is spreading slander about you. Think about who it could be and fight back the offender.

According to Miller, serving in the army for a man in a dream means that the embodiment of bold ideas and secret desires is coming. If you happened to see yourself as a soldier in a dream, this means that you are clearly not satisfied with the current situation and there is a chance that you will change jobs soon. We saw in a dream how someone was seen off to serve in the army – this means that you will receive long-awaited news, most likely from children. If you serve in the army in a dream, then boredom and longing will become your life partner. In addition, you will fall into debt or make broken promises.

According to the psychoanalyst Freud, the military symbolizes a woman’s desire for a strong man. Courage and strength make them more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

If a woman sees a dream about an officer, then she is drawn to have a relationship with a person older than herself in age and higher in position.

The boy had a dream. If you dreamed of running a forced march or shooting from a machine gun, you should show more courage in everyday life.

The army, according to Loff’s interpretation, is a symbol of strength, inevitability. To see yourself in a dream serving in the army – in reality you will experience serious difficulties in business, you may fall under the influence of a very tough and demanding person.

The dream in which you saw a huge armed army means invasion, enslavement.

If in a dream you are called up to serve in the army, this means that you will become a participant in a protracted conflict.

Fight with the enemy army – make a responsible decision.

To see in a dream an enemy army that was defeated – in reality you are ready to do anything to achieve the desired results.

If in a dream you command an entire army, this means that you have been seized by the desire to prove to everyone around you that you have not used all your capabilities.

To dream about how an army general commands you – in reality you can count on the patronage of an influential person

The in the dream army is a symbol of strength, inevitability. To see yourself in a dream serving in the army – in reality you will experience serious difficulties in business, you may fall under the influence of a very tough and demanding person.

The dream in which you saw a huge armed army means invasion, enslavement. If in a dream you are called up to serve in the army, this means that you will become a participant in a protracted conflict. Fight with the enemy army – make a responsible decision.

To see in a dream an enemy army that was defeated – in reality you are ready to do anything to achieve the desired results.

If in a dream you command an entire army, this means that you have been seized by the desire to prove to everyone around you that you have not used all your capabilities. To dream about how an army general commands you – in reality you can count on the patronage of an influential person.

Now let’s figure out what the army is in the dream of, according to the dream book of the esoteric Tsvetkov.

Meeting in a dream with a man in military uniform promises grief, especially if the dream was from Thursday to Friday.

If the dream was Saturday to Sunday – do not worry, the dream predicts a quick meeting with your loved one.

If an unmarried girl dreamed of a young officer, she would soon meet a courageous and handsome young man.

Esotericists interpret dreams about the army in this way. If you dream that the army is on a campaign, then in reality your negative emotions will crush you. The army rushes into battle – expect a scandal initiated by you yourself.

Directed against you – you will be offended, you will be provoked into a quarrel, a major scandal.

An army in a dream means victory, it can symbolize angels. According to some interpreters, if a person, being sick, saw an army in a dream, it means that he will die soon. Other interpreters associated the army in dreams with rain.

If a man dreams of an army, then soon you should be wary of quarrels, conflicts and misunderstandings at work. In the near future it will be difficult to get along with other people and find compromises.

The army girl dreams of trouble. Your dreams will not come true, and your plans will not go according to plan. It is also possible that you will begin to experience difficulties in the professional field – the authorities will be dissatisfied with the way you perform your duties.

Service in the army in a dream, according to the dream book, portends difficulties in business. Probably, your troubles will be connected with the interference of a dishonorable person in your life.

The dream in which you were taken into the army means that you are experiencing anxiety and anxiety, which is associated with upcoming events. Also, such a dream portends participation in the conflict.

To serve in the army in a dream means that in reality you will be involved in an argument. You will be the whistleblower of a scandal or fight, and you will reveal some details that may upset others. This will lead to unexpected consequences that you would not want, and you may find yourself in an unpleasant position.

Seeing a brother in the army, if he is in the army in real life, has no symbolic meaning, it’s just longing. If the events in the dream did not correspond to the real ones, then you are in trouble, the culprit of which will be your relative or close friend.

Seeing an enemy army in a dream portends a fire.

You dreamed of an army consisting of women, then in reality you have a desire to overcome internal difficulties.

You dream of yourself in the image of a military man in the army, the dream book is interpreted as dissatisfaction with your current position, prospects, your influence on the course of some affairs, although you don’t admit it to yourself, you prefer complacency, you prefer to be distracted from your main problem by the little things in life; but this cannot go on forever – one day (and perhaps soon) the moment will come and you will change jobs.


Each dream is individual and can carry important information from your subconscious. Dreams about the army can be dreamed of by anyone and can predict very significant things, and only the details of the dream help to reproduce an accurate picture. Learn to deal with anxiety. Take unpleasant events as a source of valuable experience that will help you out in the future.

Mercury is a fast planet: it actively changes the signs of the zodiac, thereby affecting people’s lives. Until recently, he was in Scorpio – and many struggled with slander, gossip, could not bring colleagues and friends to clean water. But now Mercury and Venus are entering Sagittarius – which means it’s time to transform and keep up with the capricious planet.

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