What is the difference between medicinal waters and mineral waters?
What is the difference between medicinal waters and mineral waters?Healing waters

One of the basic elements conditioning the proper functioning of the body is to provide it with adequate amounts of water. It is assumed that drinking tea or juices cannot replace drinking water – that’s why you should remember about it above all. There are many bottled waters on the market. The offer includes both mineral waters – of various composition and origin, as well as spring waters. Many people believe that these waters are no different and reach for random bottles on the shelves. However, this is a misconception. Both the type of water – spring or mineral – is important, as well as the individual brands of products that can be purchased in a given type. So what are the differences between them?

Mineral and spring water – what’s the difference?

Mineral waters and spring waters are definitely different from each other. Although both types come from the hydrosphere, in mineral waters many more elements are present. The presence of minerals in high concentrations is not always indicated. There are diseases or ailments in which one should be careful with taking excess of specific elements. In addition, the taste of the water itself matters to many people. Spring waters they are usually characterized by a more delicate taste, which is why they are especially willingly used with coffee or tea. Mineral water it is usually firmer and therefore can impart a metallic taste to these beverages. The clarity of different waters is an asset for many, as is the composition of minerals. The final choice between spring water and mineral water is a result of individual taste preferences or the benefits that a person associates with mineral intake.

Mineral water – what is it characterized by?

Mineral waters they have different origins, they are obtained in different ways. This group includes both those that contain natural minerals and those that have been mineralized in an artificial way. For a given type of water to be called mineral, it must contain at least 1000 mg of minerals. Most of the available bottled waters contain many minerals. The most common are magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc. Some spring waters also contain mineral elements – with the difference that this type of water is not subjected to the process of filtering or removing other impurities. Spring water it is obtained through natural extraction from deep-lying sources – it is therefore a natural filtration. Typically, such water is bottled at the place where it is extracted.

Health waters – mineral, spring, table

The most general division of waters classifies them into three types: spring, mineral, table. Spring waters extracted from deep-lying springs, they usually do not contain a large amount of minerals. This content may change. On the other hand mineral waters extracted from deep boreholes. They are usually medium or highly mineralized. They have a constant chemical composition. A liter of a given type of water contains not less than 1000 mg of minerals. Table waters arise as a result of connection natural spring water with various chemical components. During production, these waters are modified, therefore they cannot bear the name natural waters. They fulfill the function of quenching thirst, but they are generally poorer in health-promoting ingredients. Their consumption is recommended for people who work physically or for athletes. Exhaustion means that the organisms of such people need to supplement certain ingredients.

Natural healing waters

This type of water is obtained from natural healing springs located deep underground. They contain a minimum of 1000 mg of minerals, therefore they are classified as having a beneficial effect on health. However, it should be remembered that drinking such water is also associated with contraindications – you can only drink water with a low or medium mineralization rate without restrictions. Drinking water with high concentrations in high frequency can even harm your health – m.in. impaired liver and kidney function.

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