What foods cause bad sweat odor?

Red meat

This product is among the prohibited because of the high content of amino acids. In addition, meat is slowly digested in the stomach and difficult to digest in the intestines. The aroma of the body becomes very specific already 2 hours after a meat meal, and can persist, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, from several hours to a couple of weeks. If you want to smell like a May rose, reduce the amount in your diet to twice a week.

Curry and garlic

Unfortunately, the aromatic molecules of garlic, as well as spices such as curry, cumin and cumin, release sulfur-containing gases when digested, which are excreted through the skin, giving it an unpleasant odor for several days. Even a tiny pinch added to food provokes a lasting effect. Ginger, galangal or cardamom can be an alternative to these ingredients – they also add spice to food, but leave behind a pleasant fresh aroma.


Different types of cabbage

Broccoli, colored and even ordinary white cabbage, in addition to useful substances, are rich in sulfur and antioxidants – they are responsible for the pungent smell of sweat. Such an unpleasant side effect can be partially extinguished with the help of heat treatment – it will eliminate some of the substances responsible for the smell. Another way is to season your cabbage dishes with coriander or turmeric. This will soften the unpleasant odor a little. 


Delicious, healthy and low-calorie – like solid pluses! But dishes from this plant leave not only an exquisite aftertaste, but also a specific smell of sweat.


Adding a spicy bitterness to dishes, alas, it also becomes the cause of an unpleasant odor in our body. It’s all about the essential oils that are released during digestion. One of the ways to neutralize the “enemy” is to scald the cut product with boiling water, but then, along with the unpleasant smell, you will get rid of the lion’s share of nutrients.

High fiber foods

Many books have been written about the benefits of bran, cereals and muesli. They normalize the work of our digestive system, give us energy. But the consumption of more than 5 g of fiber at a time provokes the formation of gases (hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane), which inevitably affects the smell of our sweat. The antidote in this case can be water. She is able to neutralize such an unpleasant effect from the digestion of fiber. 


Caffeine not only stimulates our central nervous system, but also activates the sweat glands. As a load to cheerfulness, you get a pungent smell of sweat, and even bad breath. The fact is that coffee, as an absorbent, dries out the oral cavity, and with a lack of saliva, bacteria multiply faster, which makes the breath stale. The only way to get rid of all of the above is to change your eating habits. Switch to chicory or herbal tea.

Milk and dairy products

These record holders for calcium content can also cause increased sweating, which, between us, will not smell the best, but, to be more precise, give off cabbage. Of course, it is not worth giving up dairy products because of this, but it makes sense to control consumption.


It is believed that the carotenoids and terpenes contained in tomatoes do not change the smell of sweat for the better. True, not all and not always.

Radish and radish

The success of these root crops in folk medicine does not diminish their influence on the not very pleasant smell of human secretions. When cooked, radishes and radishes are not so aggressive, however, during heat treatment they lose many useful elements. 

At the moment of discharge, the sweat of a healthy person does not smell. Trouble begins when insidious bacteria living on the skin attack the secretion of the sweat glands, which consists of 85% water and 15% proteins and fats. They absorb all useful substances, after which they release the products of their vital activity and die – it is these processes that are accompanied by the appearance of a suffocating odor. Since the microflora in humans is different, the intensity of the smell is also different.

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