What flowers and wild grasses can be eaten in spring

If you like to experiment and not afraid of new and unusual flavors, you can try to diversify the menu with spring flowers and wild herbs.

Since ancient times these plants were used in cooking, but over time disappeared from our tables unnecessarily. It is possible to return your plate and get additional benefits?


What flowers and wild grasses can be eaten in spring

Dandelions are still eaten in France and they even grow a plantation of these flowers to use them in cooking. The leaves of dandelions are bitter to the taste, but they make the salad really unusual. Dandelion improves digestion and metabolism, and is beneficial to the liver. Pour boiling water over the leaves to reduce their bitterness. Or soak them for 15 minutes in salted cold water. It is a great option for the salad.


What flowers and wild grasses can be eaten in spring

Young nettle leaves are a frequent ingredient of soup, salads, and toppings for baking. The main thing – to catch the moment when the first thawed patches appear on first leaves of this plant. After 10 days the leaves will fill with juice and become unsuitable as food.


What flowers and wild grasses can be eaten in spring

Primrose is used in salads in many countries. They are pleasant to the taste and are an important source of vitamin C. Primula is a medicinal plant, so it is good for the body is invaluable. It goes well with cucumbers and green onions.


What flowers and wild grasses can be eaten in spring

The leaves of wild onion are similar to normal, but slightly thinner, harder, and juicier than of familiar to us onion. Salad with wild onions will sparkle with new flavors, it is also used in sauces and condiments for first courses. Wild onions grow all the season, so it is most often not harvested for future use.


What flowers and wild grasses can be eaten in spring

Annoying weed to gardeners, the Goutweed can be a great help in cooking in the home kitchen. It is nourishing but use only young leaves. In order to avoid excessive gas formation in the intestine, ground-better to be heat treated before use. Is is often used for cooking soup, broths, pie fillings, and salad dressings.


What flowers and wild grasses can be eaten in spring

Wild sorrel decorates the soup, a sweet filling for cakes, it can and is used all year round. Grown independently of wild sorrel is better to use young until it was saturated with the juices and the leaves were not hard.


What flowers and wild grasses can be eaten in spring

The leaves of the bell and the roots of plants are used as food. The flowers can decorate the dish to give it a festive look. Green bell is a source of vitamin E, which is important for youth and beauty, as well as the reproductive function of both men and women.

Shepherd’s purse

What flowers and wild grasses can be eaten in spring

Shepherd’s purse rises in early spring from under the snow. The leaves of this plant are eaten raw in salads, boiled in soups and borscht, even salty. Shepherd’s purse is a popular ingredient in Chinese cuisine, where this plant is grown in large volumes.

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