What does the sea dream about
Sea, sun, palm trees and quicksand. This is what happiness looks like, because most of us are passionately busy working 11 months a year in order to spend a month in the south, enjoying doing nothing. And yet, what is the dream of the sea for? We understand the most authoritative dream books

The sea according to Miller’s dream book

Yes, the interpretation of dreams about the sea according to Miller’s dream book is most often devoid of optimism. Dreaming of the sea? Miller considered this a symbol of desires that were not destined to come true, disappointment. The dreamer is clearly toiling, he has no peace, something torments him – if not financial problems, then internal confusion. Do you hear the sound of the sea surf? This picture speaks of the approach of great melancholy, a life in which you will miss your loved one and heartfelt friend. In all cases, the recipe is the same – to comprehend what is happening and act.

It’s another matter if a girl dreams that, together with her beloved, hand in hand, they swim along the surface of the sea, and there are no waves around. What is the interpretation of dreams about the sea according to Miller in this case? To lasting and serene happiness.

The sea according to Freud’s dream book

Alas, if in a dream you see the sea somewhere far away on the horizon, then at least this is the interpretation of dreams about the sea according to Freud’s dream book, you do not have the joy and pleasure of sex. Because of what it can be? Complexes about appearance are possible, because of which you are very internally tense, although you are not ready to admit it to yourself.

Do you enjoy admiring the views of the sea from the board of the ship or the shore? Think! Dream Interpretation reports that you are afraid of the future. But the good news is that everything will be back to normal soon. And if your friend or buddy swims in the sea, in reality you can help him solve some problem. Do you enjoy swimming by yourself? Excellent! In vain, you did not value your personal life enough, it is thanks to it that you are generally successful.

And you, of course, have already guessed why the sea is dreaming of according to Freud’s dream book, if it comes in waves and storms? Yes, an unexpected ardent night awaits you soon.

The sea according to Vanga’s dream book

Vanga, the Bulgarian prophetess, treated the water surface and its scale with due respect. This explains the interpretation of dreams about the sea according to Vanga’s dream book. If you dream of it serene and calm, success at work awaits you, respect for those who work next to you. Beware of the stormy waves sweeping the shore! The interpretation of dreams about the sea according to Vanga’s dream book suggests that their appearance is a bad sign, something seriously threatens your reputation. Swim and enjoy these? So, in life you hope to experience great pleasure. This is yet to be achieved.

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The sea according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

See yourself in a dream on a walk along the seashore – to the fact that a long road awaits you. And if you peer into the distance at the same time, it means that soon you will be overtaken by news from afar, which will definitely not leave you indifferent. Did you see not just blue, but cornflower blue water? The interpretation of dreams about the sea according to Tsvetkov says: there is a meeting with a significant person ahead. Do you see yourself on the deck of a ship? Soon your life will change dramatically.

The sea according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Is the sea calm? The famous soothsayer correlated the sea with life. Therefore, calmness is expected in business. No action. But also a storm, waves in the sea – problems. You will achieve what you wanted. But we need to seriously work on it. But if you almost drowned, it means that some shortcomings will come up. If you see a friend in the sea and, perhaps, you are trying to save him, then in reality he needs support.

The sea according to Loff’s dream book

The interpretation of dreams about the sea according to Loff’s dream book makes us remember that the thoughts of researchers often converge. For example, Loff is sure that the absence of waves on the sea is a clear hint that no worries can be expected in the near future. By the way, in this case, a trip to rest is shown. To the seas By the way, if you swim in a dream, then you will just think about it, because the work will bring profit. But if the waves go one after another – beware, difficulties may await you. Jump into the sea – be inspired by ideas.

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