The Billings Method
This method of contraception, developed in the 1970s by a couple of Australian doctors, aimed to be in accordance with the precepts of the Christian religion, which prohibits any chemical contraceptive. The principle: the observance, throughout the female cycle, of changes in the mucus secreted by the cervix, which increases and changes in consistency (it becomes stringy like egg white) around the time of ovulation. Date of fertile period: onset of wet mucus. End of fertile period: 4th day after the last day of stringy mucus.
- Advantages of the method: free, without accessories or side effects, easy to use. And 99% reliable, according to Billlings.
- Disadvantages: practicing Billings requires being comfortable with your body. In addition, vaginal inflammation, application of lubricants or taking hormone therapy can change the mucus.
The temperature curve
The principle: after ovulation, the secretion of progesterone by the corpus luteum causes a discreet elevation (a few tenths of a degree) body temperature. This “thermal plateau” remains constant as long as the corpus luteum lasts, ie 14 days, until the onset of menstruation. Since the lag occurs the day after ovulation, the date of ovulation is determined retrospectively by the lowest point on the temperature curve before the thermal lag. It is therefore necessary to note its temperature (preferably on a graph) from the 1st day of the rules, which corresponds to the 1st day of the cycle. Ovulation occurs on the last day of low temperature (on average around day 14). From there, the length of abstinence varies depending on the method and the couple. It is quite long: from the start of menstruation until the 2nd day after the rise in temperature (20 days of abstinence per month). And shorter when intercourse is only possible after 3 days of thermal plateau and therefore limited to the last 8 to 10 days of the cycle.
- Advantage: natural, free.
- Disadvantages: very restrictive. First, because it considerably limits sexual intercourse. Then because the temperature must be taken every morning before getting up, with the same thermometer and according to the same method (rectal or axillary). And this during several cycles in a row, in order to identify the regularity. And above all unreliable, due to the fact that a host of factors (health, lifestyle, etc.) can modify body temperature: up to 25% failures according to the World Health Organization (WHO)! Therefore, it is rarely used alone.
The sympto-thermal method
Developed in the XNUMXs by an Austrian doctor, this multi-criteria method combines Billings, temperature measurement and self-observation of changes in the cervix. During the female cycle, the cervix changes very clearly. Outside of menstruation and the period of ovulation, it is placed low in the vagina, tilted, hard as cartilage and closed: you can only pass the little tip of your finger. During ovulation, it softens, it is high, straight (not tilted), open (you can slide your finger in) and wet. Once ovulation has passed, the cervix closes, becomes dry again, only to open again just before menstruation. These observations can still be correlated with those of other additional signals of the body: pain localized on one side of the pelvis, tension in the breasts, slight weight gain, bleeding, variations in libido … Abstinence to be observed throughout these symptoms!
- Advantage: she may be very usefule to those who have trouble with temperatures or who lack mucus. According to the WHO, the failure rate of this method, when properly applied, does not exceed 2%.
- Disadvantages: its complexity. It often takes a few months of practice before you can tell the difference between a fertile cervix and an unfertile cervix. Sometimes, too, the collar is placed so high that it cannot be reached.
The calendar method or Ogino method
This method takes its name from that of the Japanese doctor who developed it in the XNUMXs. The Italians called it the “Oggi, no” (“not today, honey”) method. Based on the observation of the length of the last cycles, it calculate the fertile period in the following way: first day of the fertile period = 10 + length of the shortest cycle observed during the last 12 cycles – 28. Last day of the fertile period = 17 + length of the longest cycle – 28. For example , if your shortest cycle is 26 days and longest 30 days, your fertile window should start on day 8 and end on day 12. The method is based on the probability that ovulation will occur around day 14 if the cycle is 28 days. In order to avoid childbearing, the couple should abstain from having intercourse five days before ovulation and for up to two days after.
- Advantages of the method: easy , free and accessible.
- Its disadvantages: elle only suitable for regular cycles. Not to mention that many factors – travel, annoyance, health problem – can disrupt the menstrual rhythm. Suddenly, according to the WHO, it leads to pregnancy in 9% of cases: enough to explain the influx of “Ogino babies” in the post-war period!
The LAM method
The Breastfeeding Amenorrhea Method, also known as the LAM method, was popularized in 1995 by WHO, UNICEF and FHI (Family Health International). It is based on the use oflactational infertility. According to the Leche League, it can be used during the first 6 months after birth by mothers, under three conditions: breastfeed exclusively; do it on demand and with frequent feedings; not having had his return from diapers. Its efficiency would be 98 to 99%.
- Advantages of the method: free and accessible.
- Its disadvantages: the conditions to be respected for the method to work:
- feed thebreastfeeding infant up to 5 or 6 times a day (because if breast sucking decreases, ovulation may occur),
- ovulation can also occur when your child is 6 months old (breastfeeding or not),
- la woman must not have had a period since giving birth (lonset of menstruation means resumption of ovulation).
The system with switchgear
This practice uses devices that allow you to determine when you are ovulating.
For example, using a mini computer reader, the amount of hormones produced by the ovaries is measured using a strip immersed in the urine in the morning. The reader shows whether the day is “safe” (green light) or “at risk” (red light), that is, close to ovulation.
Some of these devices are on sale in pharmacies, supermarkets or on the Internet.
- Advantages of the method: easy and accessible.
- Its disadvantages: elle not suitable for all women’s cycles (not adolescent contraception, for example). These systems are expensive. Condoms remain cheaper and more reliable.
Partner withdrawal
The male partner withdraws from his partner’s vagina before he has ejaculated. When ejaculation does not take place in the vagina (nor just at the entrance), it reduces the risk of pregnancy.
CThis technique requires from the woman a great deal of confidence in her partner. And on the part of the man, an excellent knowledge of the signs at the time of ejaculation.
- Advantages of the method: easy and free (!).
- Its disadvantages: ejaculation is a reflex and therefore difficult to control. This method therefore requires control and perfect knowledge of one’s own ejaculation.
To know :
The first drops of semen may contain many sperm. They sometimes come out without the man realizing it. This is the pre-cum. The latter contains sufficient sperm to fertilize the oocyte and therefore lead to pregnancy.
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