Week 24 of pregnancy – 26 WA

Baby side

Our baby is 35 centimeters tall and weighs about 850 grams.

His development

Our baby opens his eyelids for the first time! Now the skin that used to cover her eyes is mobile and retinal formation is complete. Our baby is now able to open his eyes, even if it is only a few seconds. His environment appears to him in a blurry and rather dark way. In the coming weeks, it is a movement that will accelerate. As for the eye color, it is blue. It will take a few weeks after birth for the final pigmentation to take place. Otherwise, his hearing becomes more refined, he hears more and more sounds. His lungs quietly continue to develop.

On our side

At this stage of pregnancy, it is not uncommon to have sciatica, with the nerve getting stuck by a heavier and larger uterus. Ouch! You may also start to feel tightness in the pubic symphysis where the ligaments are stressed. It can also be quite unpleasant. From contractions may also appear several times a day. Our stomachs harden, as if it were curling up into a ball on itself. This is a normal phenomenon, up to ten contractions per day. Nevertheless, if they are painful and repeated, a doctor should be consulted, as it can be a threat of premature labor. If it is not a PAD (phew!) These repeated contractions are due to a “contractile uterus”. In this case, we must try to de-stress, with alternative medicine (relaxation, sophrology, meditation, acupuncture…).

Our advice: we think of consuming fatty fish (tuna, salmon, herring…) once a week, as well as olive oil or oilseeds (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts….). These foods are rich in omega 3, important for our baby’s brain. Note that omega 3 supplementation is quite possible.

Our memo

We make an appointment for our 4th prenatal consultation. This is also the time to screen for a possible Gestational Diabetes. Most maternity hospitals offer it to all expectant mothers between the 24th and 28th weeks – those who are “at risk” have already benefited from it systematically at the start of pregnancy. The principle ? We ingest, on an empty stomach, 75 grams of glucose (we warn you, it’s awful!) Then, by two blood tests taken one hour and two hours later, a blood sugar assay is carried out. If the screening is positive, it will be necessary to follow a diet low in sugar.

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