Vitamin D: which foods should you choose?

Vitamin D is the “Sun” vitamin par excellence. Indeed, the majority of our reserves are formed thanks to the effect of the UVB rays of the sun. But since we are less exposed (which is a good gesture to prevent skin cancer) and we do not all live in sunny regions, the risk of being deficient is relatively high. Even almost inevitable. According to the French Academy of Medicine (AMF), nearly 80% of the Western population is lacking in vitamin D! 

A very strong little vitamin

Yet vitamin D is super important for our body. “First of all, it promotes better absorption of calcium and magnesium, which contributes to good health of bones and teeth, notes Dr Laurence Benedetti, micronutritionist and vice-president of the Iedm. And ultimately, helps prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D also stimulates the immune system, which is extremely stressed in winter. Recent studies show the interest of vitamin D in reducing the risk of contracting a respiratory tract infection. Vitamin D also plays a role in muscle contraction and would slow down the premature decline of cognitive and intellectual functions ”. The preventive role of vitamin D has also been mentioned in certain complications linked to Covid 19. In short, it is better not to deprive ourselves too much of it!

In video: Vitamins and pregnancy: should you take supplementation? The response from our midwife Adrien Gantois

Good daily gestures

Without excessively exposing yourself to the sun, doctors recommend 3 exposures of 15 minutes per week (forearm and face), between 11 a.m. and 14 p.m. from April to October. You can also review your plate and focus on foods rich in vitamin D. But in case of proven deficiency, supplementation is necessary to replenish your reserves. As a reminder, we recommend supplementing pregnant women and kids up to the age of… 18!

But beware of the risks of vitamin D overdose in children! It is important to choose medicines containing vitamin D and not dietary supplements that may be too dosed.


Vitamin D: the foods to favor to refuel

  • Cod liver oil

Not very appetizing, yet it is the food that contains the most. Like all fatty fish oils. Not the courage to drink it with a teaspoon? We opt for cod liver. Delicious on toast or buckwheat toast.

  • Whole milk

Super source of calcium, milk also provides vitamin D. Better to opt for whole milk, because the vitamins are concentrated in fat. If we take low-fat products, we choose them enriched with vitamin D.


  • Chocolat

Yum ! And to get the most out of this vitamin, we prefer it dark, with a minimum of 40% cocoa. 

  • Herring

Smoked, grilled or marinated, it is one of the best endowed oily fish. It also provides omega 3, important for the functioning of the brain. And we vary with other fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel…). You can also eat salmon roe.

  • yogurts

For strong bones, many yogurts and cottage cheeses are enriched with vitamin D. Look at the labels!

  • Mushrooms

Chanterelles, morels or shiitakes (Japanese mushrooms) certainly have a low content but they still constitute a significant contribution.

  • Egg

This vitamin is mainly present in the yolk. It can be consumed several times a week because the egg is a concentrate of benefits (proteins, iron, iodine, zinc, vitamin B12…).

  • Foie gras

This is enough to relieve guilt in front of his slice of foie gras, since it contains a little.

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