Visceral gout

General description of the disease


This is one of the forms hyperuricemia, in which not only joints are affected, but other systems and organs of a person.

Hyperuricemia is an increased level of uric acid in the blood. Basically, the standard symptoms of gout first appear, then the visceral signs begin to develop. The most common form is gouty nephropathy.

In addition, visceral gout can manifest itself in the form of obesity, problems with the cardiovascular system. Such problems arise due to impaired metabolism.

Reasons for the development of visceral gout

Visceral gout develops against the background of increased synthesis of uric acid, due to which the ability to excrete it decreases. Such a low drop in excretion leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Due to the violation of acid excretion, urates are formed, and after a while stones form in the kidneys and urate nephrolithiasis develops.


Also, urate crystals have a negative effect on kidney tissue. Toxins are released from urates, which create good conditions for the appearance of interstitial nephritis and provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. The renal tubules can also be closed by urates. All of these diseases can lead to kidney failure.

Varieties of visceral gout

Gouty nephropathy can occur in the form of acute uric acid nephropathy, chronic tubulointestinal nephritis and urate nephrolithiasis.

As for visceral gout, which affects the cardiac system, there is no serious reason to single out cardiac pathologies as a separate type of this disease. Obesity is also not classified as a type of visceral gout. Some experts distinguish them into separate groups of gout, but there is no reliable and accurate confirmation in laboratory conditions. These problems develop in people with gout more against the background of impaired metabolism: carbohydrate, fat and uric acid and are constant companions of visceral gout.

Visceral gout symptoms

For a long time, visceral gout does not manifest itself in any way outwardly and there are no uncomfortable sensations. First, the composition of urine changes, then the first signs of renal failure appear (a small amount of urine during urination or its complete absence, swelling of the limbs, intoxication of the body due to the accumulation of urine salts: the patient is pale, lethargic or, conversely, too much agitated, he is nauseous, chills , the liver is enlarged, the temperature and abdominal pain may be increased) and signs of arterial hypertension (it may not make itself felt in any way, except as indicators when measuring pressure, and flies may flicker in front of the eyes, severe headaches and its whirling may occur, tinnitus, severe weakness).

With urate nephrolithiasis, stones are formed in the kidneys, with nephritis, blood pressure rises and the composition of urine changes, and with acute uric acid nephropathy, the amount of urine excreted sharply decreases, the patient begins to suffer from severe attacks of pain in the lumbar region, blood is present in his urine.

In visceral gout, tophus and arthritis may appear much later than kidney problems.

Healthy foods for visceral gout

In order to cure visceral gout and regulate the amount of uric acid, the patient must adhere to a diet. Its main purpose is to reduce the purine content in the body and unload its metabolism. Such results can be achieved by observing certain dietary rules.

First, the patient is advised to drink plenty of water to eliminate uric acid. He should drink about 2,5 liters of clean water.

Secondly, once a week you need to arrange fasting days (for example, do a fruit, vegetable or berry day).

Thirdly, the number of meals should be at least 5 times a day.

You need to eat certain foods and dishes. Those that have a positive effect on the body with visceral gout include:

  • vegetables and fruits fortified with potassium: apricots, melons, peaches, eggplants, pumpkins, carrots, pears, cucumbers, zucchini, green peas and cabbage (white cabbage);
  • from berries it is better to choose fruits of blue, bright red flowers and berries with a dark color, namely: cranberries, cherries, cherries, lingonberries, blueberries, blackberries (they contain substances that lower the level of purine);
  • it is better to add a few drops of lemon, cranberry or lingonberry juice to the water;
  • vegetarian soups, any dishes made from dairy products and vegetables, boiled meat and fish (after boiling, light frying is allowed);
  • seasonings: parsley, citric acid, bay leaf, cinnamon, vanillin, dill;
  • drinks: jelly, kvass, vegetable juices, fruit drinks, rosehip broth, bran, weakly brewed coffee with milk and tea with lemon;
  • bakery products: wheat and rye bread, bran and seed baked goods;
  • butter and vegetable oils;
  • sweets: milk cream, marmalade, honey, candies (not chocolate), marshmallow, jam, jam, apple pudding.

Traditional medicine for visceral gout

The method of traditional medicine for visceral gout is more aimed at treating the kidneys, reducing uric acid, relieving swelling and pain in the joints, and stopping inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

To relieve puffiness and normalize pressure, it is necessary to drink an infusion of corn stigmas. For its preparation, take a glass of boiling water and 1 tbsp. spoon stigmas. The herb must be boiled for 15-20 minutes over low heat, then the infusion must be allowed to gain strength (leave in a sealed container for half an hour). Filter the broth. You need to drink this infusion 8 times a day, 2 tablespoons at a time.

With severe edema, compresses are made from grated and peeled potatoes with beets. The mixture is applied to the swollen places and wrapped in cellophane, wrapped on top with a towel. The compress must be kept for at least 30 minutes. It is better to leave it until the juice from the vegetables is completely gone.

In case of inflammatory processes occurring in the kidneys, urinary tracts and joints, infusions of bear ears (bearberry) and yarrow should be used. Separate decoctions are prepared from these herbs and according to different recipes.

To prepare a decoction of bearberry, you need to take 1 tablespoon of the prepared herb per 250 milliliters of boiling water. You need to insist the broth in a water bath for 25 minutes. A glass of broth must be divided into 4 doses. It is necessary to prepare the broth daily.

To cook with yarrow, you need a glass of water and 2 tablespoons of the herb. Pour boiling water over the yarrow and leave to infuse for an hour, then strain and divide into 3 doses.

To relieve inflammation, they drink decoctions of chamomile, calendula, strawberry leaves, currants, blackberries and lingonberries.

For long-term treatment of the kidneys, you can use the following collection: motherwort, common tricolor violet, St. John’s wort, horsetail, fruits and rhizomes of wild rose are taken in equal quantities. Everything is thoroughly crushed and mixed. Take 1 tablespoon of the healthy mixture for a glass of hot water. It takes 20 minutes to cook the infusion. Drink a glass of broth in 8 doses during the day. In total, you can take this collection for six months, but it is worth fulfilling one condition: after a month you need to take a week break (and so every time: a month of admission – a week break – a month of admission, and so on).

In addition to taking medicinal infusions, it is shown taking healing baths with the use of decoctions of sage, birch buds, horsetail, lingonberry leaves, strawberries.

As for cardiovascular diseases, a separate approach is needed, depending on the developed disease.

And excess weight with obesity will go away a little from dieting and when excess fluid comes out. For constipation, it is better to take buckthorn broth and flax seeds. But do not get carried away with these broths, because their excessive consumption can cause diarrhea, due to which beneficial substances will go away with the feces.

Dangerous and harmful foods for visceral gout

With visceral gout, foods that negatively affect the patient’s body and contribute to the development of the disease should be divided into 2 categories: strictly prohibited foods and foods that need to be eaten limited.

It is necessary to completely exclude from consumption: salt, alcoholic drinks, any fried, baked, stewed dishes. Smoked meats, sausages, canned food, fast food, semi-finished products, jellied meat, by-products (lungs, kidneys, liver, brains, tongue), mushrooms, all spicy and salty dishes, marinades and factory sauces, chocolate, fat (mutton and beef ), strong brewed coffee and tea. Also, you can not drink and cook soups, sauces from broths with meat, fish and any mushrooms. You can not eat foods with various food additives and dyes.

Restrictions on consumption include: muffins, chocolate, cauliflower, cocoa, sorrel, spinach, meat and fish.

These foods contain high levels of purine, which causes the disease, aggravates its symptoms, and can cause serious complications (kidney failure, heart attack, stroke).


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