Virtual reality infiltrates supermarkets and restaurants

Augmented and virtual reality confidently penetrates into many areas of life, including catering. And although the introduction of the latest technologies is quite expensive for the owners of restaurants and supermarkets, more and more often they indulge their visitors with new digital chips.

So, in one Milan supermarket, you can get complete information about each product, you just need to point the sensor at it. The device recognizes the product and reports its nutritional value, information about the presence of allergens and all its way from the garden to the counter. This useful feature has been available to visitors for a year now.

HoloYummy went even further, providing Dominic Crenn’s cookbook Metamorphoses of Taste with three-dimensional holograms of the described dishes (Recall D. Crenn – “Best Female Chef” in 2016 according to The World’s 50 Best Restaurants).

Virtual reality is also being used in restaurants. Companies are opening virtual bars at a bird’s eye view, allowing customers to dive to the seabed for fish and seafood wearing VR glasses, and using holographic imagery to tell the story and technology of cognac or cheese.


There are also more extreme ideas – for example, to give restaurant visitors the opportunity to experience a unique experience: there is one dish, but with their eyes they perceive something completely different.

But do not think that restaurateurs only think about how to entertain guests with the help of “numbers”, virtual reality is actively used to train staff. After all, the process of transferring skills to catering workers requires a lot of time and money. The latest digital technology immerses the student in a detailed digital world where you can safely simulate the most common work situations and exercise – from preparing meals and brewing coffee to serving crowds of shoppers during rush hour.

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