And thus he brought my mother to tears. Why, almost hysterical.
Five-year-old Teddy Lee from Texas seems to have already decided on his future profession. The kid has a direct road to stylists. You have never seen such creative hairstyles as he did to his little sister and brother …
This is how the kids looked before playing the hairdresser.
“My nephew found a hair clipper,” American Ian Agadorn tweeted and attached a video to it. Thanks to the video, his post has already collected more than 460 thousand likes and more than 200 thousand reposts.
What’s in the frame? Here is Teddy himself. Most of the hair on the head is missing, on the side of the forelock, almost like a Cossack, only steeper. Crying and laughing at the same time, his mom Stephie explains that while she was getting ready for work on the night shift (Stephie is a nurse), a fidget found a hair clipper.
Well, that’s half the trouble. Who among us in childhood did not try to trim our bangs, then cut our whiskey? And if the chewing gum sticks to your hair, it’s all gone. Only now it seemed to the little boy to experiment on his appearance a little.
“Elois, turn around,” Mom asks. Judging by her voice, she’s practically hysterical. – Oh my God”.
The baby standing next to her brother turns obediently. And … if in front of the girl everything is decent, cute tails, then in the back there is a huge bald patch – the back of the head is completely bald.
Teddy, meanwhile, is sincerely perplexed: why is everyone so upset. My little sister liked to get her hair cut.
“She asked me herself,” says the little boy. “She liked the way I shave, and she wanted to too.”
And now they all have their daddy’s hair.
True, Elois herself is now unhappy with her appearance. Looks like Teddy this time will be left without a tip for work.
“Mom, can you put your hair on my head? – the girl asks in frustration. “I don’t like the way I look now.”
“It’s just hair,” her mom soothes. – They will grow back, everything will be fine. You are still a beautiful girl. “
“Don’t worry, your face still looks like a girl’s,” he decided to cheer up his sister Teddy.
As it turned out, the young hairdresser did not stop at his sister. He also has a younger brother. Tom also got it at the hands of a raging stylist. The baby has only a few light strands on his head.
Now Internet users are wondering if Teddy has deliberately decided to cut his whole family “like daddy”: the father of the kids is absolutely bald. After all, after what he did, all the kids had to finally shave their heads. And they admire the self-control of the mother, who was able to calm her upset daughter. True, they quite rightly note: a machine is not a toy for a five-year-old child.