An even and beautiful tan is the dream of many. And in order to achieve an amazing result, you can switch to food during the rest, which will help this. Products for a beautiful tan should contain beta-carotene, lycopene, selenium, vitamin E, tyrosine and tryptophan to help you become irresistible.
Red meat and liver animals are good for the body, in particular for sunburn. These foods contain tyrosine, a variety of trace minerals that contribute to the production of melanin, a pigment. By consuming these foods, your tan will last longer.
Fish and seafood contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, vitamins A, D, E, group B, tyrosine. Fish enhances immunity and helps protect the skin from aggressive ultraviolet radiation, get rid of flaking and normalize the body’s water balance, which is good for sun-scorched skin.
Carrots is called the first vegetable for a beautiful tan, as it is an excellent source of beta-carotene. Thanks to carrots, immunity increases, vision improves, teeth become stronger. If you drink a glass of carrot juice every day, a beautiful chocolate tan is guaranteed.
Tomatoes also help to distribute the tan evenly over the body, while protecting the skin from the scorching sun. Tomatoes contain many minerals, B vitamins and lycopene. Drinking tomato juice will also help reduce your risk of skin cancer.
Apricots are a source of beta-carotene, vitamins PP, B, phosphorus, iron and bioflavonoids. The tan is accelerated by eating apricot, so if your vacation is short, consider this fact. Apricots also help protect the skin from UV damage.
Juicy peaches will add variety to your tanning diet. They are a source of vitamins and minerals as well as essential beta-carotene. Peaches are good for burns – eat them more often when traveling. This delicate fruit helps in the production of the melanin pigment for a smoother tan.
Melon and watermelon surely created by summer berries to also help you tan beautifully. Melon contains many vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, iron, potassium and beta-carotene. Watermelon contains lycopene, beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, potassium, and iron. Melon will intensify and accentuate your tan, while watermelon will help get rid of toxins, restore the moisture balance of the skin and protect it from ultraviolet radiation.
Do not pass by grapesbeing on the beach by the sea or high in the mountains. It contains vitamins A, PP, C, group B, any grape variety will help restore dry and damaged skin and strengthen the immune system.
Include in your menu asparagus, cabbage broccoli and spinachif you value your tanned healthy skin. Asparagus has a number of medicinal properties, including skin protection and cancer prevention. Broccoli is a source of antioxidants and vitamins that the skin needs during sunbathing, it will also relieve inflammation and swelling.
Spinach – a source of beta-carotene along with orange foods, as well as vitamins C, PP and lutein. Eating spinach will help give your skin a bronze tan, keep it longer and at the same time prevent the skin from burning.
Do not forget to use sunscreen, stay in the shade more often and do not go out into the open scorching sun without an umbrella or clothes. No tanning is worth your health!