Toys that develop language
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    Mon ami Rocki, Fisher-Price

    Plus de 100 chansons et phrases ! Ludique, sour face lights up and this funny robot swings and its ears move. My friend Rocki, Fisher-Price, 39,99 euros. From 6 months.

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    Little Savant The Nativity Scene, Clementoni

    Super complete. This set includes tactile animals, mini puzzles, an animal memo… to learn lots of words. Little Savant The crèche, Clementoni, € 19,90. From 12 months.

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    Marionettes Céleste, Maisons du Monde

    Finger puppets. Animals in very soft material, to tell and tell lots of stories. 100% polyester.  Céleste, Maisons du Monde, € 12,99 per set of 5. From 1 year old.

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    Ma maison alphabet Bla Bla Blocks, Vtech

    Interactive. Talking blocks to assemble to learn letters, colors, animals …  We loved this game so much that it received the Parents label! My alphabet house Bla Bla Blocks, Vtech, € 52,99. From 18 months


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    Puzzle I’m learning the alphabet, Janod

    2 in 1 toy. Un puzzle alphabet où il faut trouver la lettre qui correspond au visuel. « Le A pour l’Âne, le B pour la Baleine… ». Puzzle J’apprends l’alphabet, Janod, 13,99 €. Dès 2 ans.

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    Luxury cinema set, Moulin Roty

    Home cinema! 32 histoires du soir à projeter sur le mur sont réunies dans ce beau coffret. Luxury cinema box set,Moulin Roty, € 49. From 3 years old.

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    My picture book at the Tiptoi house, Ravensburger

    Daily. With the interactive pen, children discover the daily life of a family. In which room do we prepare food? …My picture book at the Tiptoi house, Ravensburger, 40 €. From 4 years old.

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    Edutainment robot Powerman, Lexibook

    Super compagnon. Il pose des devinettes sur les lettres et les animaux, raconte des histoires et des blagues. Le tout avec des effets sonores et lumineux. Powerman edutainment robot, Lexibook, € 49,99. From 4 years old.

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    Educa Touch Contes Disney, Educa

    tactile. We slide the card into the tablet to listen to 8 Disney tales (The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast…) and answer the questions by touching the images. Educa Touch Disney Tales, Educa, € 24,99. From the age of 5.

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