TOP 7 natural antibiotics

Situations, where the appointment of antibiotics is required, are not uncommon. The most common of them are complications after prolonged viral infections, which give various complications. You can strengthen the therapy and fortify the body by using these tinctures of useful herbs.


Calendula belongs to the category of antiseptics that can destroy bacteria and prevent their reproduction. To prepare this plant for the winter, collect orange flowers, dry them and store them in a jar with a tightly closed lid.

Brewed calendula will ease the symptoms of angina, remove inflammation from the gums and help get rid of stomatitis – for this, you should rinse the decoction with problem areas. Apply a compress with an infusion of calendula if you have barley or conjunctivitis. Inside, the infusion of calendula is used for gastritis, colitis, and ulcers.


Dried chamomile inflorescences are perfectly stored all year round. To prepare a decoction of these flowers, pour them with boiling water and let them infuse for an hour.

Chamomile is useful for relieving inflammation, especially during the rampage of seasonal SARS. With stomach pain and exacerbation of gastritis, chamomile decoction is beneficial: it will speed up the metabolism, improve appetite, and improve all internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Chamomile is also useful for insomnia and signs of depression-it relieves tension and calms.


For the preparation of infusions and decoctions of tansy, small flowers of this plant are also used. Tansy should be poured with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes, and then allowed to infuse.

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of tansy are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines, liver-for this, the infusion should be drunk before meals throughout the day.

Remember that tansy has a choleretic effect and is also the strongest allergen due to the essential oils that make up its composition.


For long-term storage, the tops of the sage are carefully cut, dried, and packed in sealed jars.

Sage is most often used to treat diseases of the oral cavity – it perfectly fights infections and inflammation: stomatitis, sore throats, laryngitis. With inflammatory processes on the skin, a decoction of sage is rubbed into the skin with a cotton pad, or lotions are made. With hormonal disorders, a decoction of sage is consumed orally.

Black currant

Dried blackcurrant leaves are a nice addition to hot tea. They also do an excellent job of relieving SARS symptoms, bronchitis, and flu — currant leaves kill infections and relieve inflammation.

Blackcurrant leaves are a source of vitamin C, which increases the immune system’s resistance to diseases and kills germs in diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, and kidney failure.


Celandine is also a source of vitamin C and organic acids, essential oils, phytoncides (a natural antibiotic), and vitamin A. At the same time, celandine is a poisonous plant and should be taken with caution and only after consulting your doctor.

So, a decoction of celandine externally will help with eczema and psoriasis. Celandine juice affects the nasal mucosa with sinusitis, rhinitis, and with the help of inhalations – with pneumonia and bronchitis.


A decoction of yarrow is prepared by steaming its leaves with boiling water, after which the medicine is allowed to infuse for an hour.

Collected and dried yarrow flowers in tincture will help with intestinal spasm, heart disease. A decoction of this plant is taken for diabetes and excess weight, internal bleeding, diseases of the stomach and duodenum, anemia, headache, and nervous disorders.

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