TOP 5 addictive products

There are foods that make you feel like you don’t stop, but eat them over and over again. Alas, these are not healthy broccoli or even sweet apples. Most often, addiction is caused by foods, the use of which has a detrimental effect on your health. You can fight addiction by knowing your enemy by sight.

  • Sugar

Sugar and foods containing it in large quantities, such as baked goods, sweets, drinks, can cause serious addiction. They are a source of fast carbs, and when your energy leaves you, sugar is the easiest way to replenish it in no time. Unfortunately, for a very short period of time you feel in high spirits, and then your hand again reaches for sweets and you again and again experience uncontrollable bouts of hunger.

  • Ice cream

A favorite childhood dessert, saturated fats are added to the sugar. The sweet, creamy taste quickly becomes a favorite and we become addicted. Eating delicious cold ice cream creates a feeling of euphoria and satisfaction, and a person becomes hostage to this state, wanting to experience it over and over again. Only the “dose” becomes more and more each time, as the senses become dulled over time.

  • Chocolate

Another mood helper, which is very difficult to break away from voluntarily. Chocolate contains sugar, caffeine and theobromine, which stimulate the body and help the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Some classifications of scientists based on this fact allow us to classify chocolate as an antidepressant.

  • Chips

Light in weight, they seem completely harmless and low in calories. When eating chips, it can be difficult to stop without eating the entire packet. And for some reason hunger is not satisfied, but on the contrary grows. Triggers added to the fiery spice of crisps stimulate the brain to enjoy. Doctors warn that chips are bad for the digestive tract, especially in children and adolescents.

  • Cheese

Cheese contains casein, an easily digestible protein that forms opiates – casomorphins. They are the culprit behind the cheese addiction. Moreover, the concentration of casein in cheese is much higher than in other dairy products. Cheese addiction does not develop immediately, so it is not so common – yet most of us give up cheese easily.

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