Toothache: find the cause!

Toothache: find the cause!

The eruption of wisdom teeth: pain to be expected

Wisdom teeth are the third molars, the last one behind the dental arch. Their eruptions usually occur between the ages of 16 and 25, but they are not systematic and some people do not. As in children, the breakout of these teeth can cause pain. It is then a simple physiological eruptive process. In this case, a topical analgesic (such as pansoral) or a systemic analgesic (such as paracetamol) may be sufficient to reduce the pain.

In some cases, however, the gum tissue covering the crown of a wisdom tooth becomes infected. This is called a pericoronitis. Bacteria enter under a gum flap surrounding the tooth that is still partially protruding, and cause infection. The gums swell, and the pain makes it difficult to open the mouth.

How to treat it ?

If the pericoronitis is limited to the wisdom tooth, rinsing the mouth with lukewarm salt water may ease the pain. If the infection has spread to the cheek, it is imperative to see a dentist as soon as possible. In the meantime, taking aspirin or ibuprofen is recommended.


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