Tips from grandmothers

Famous TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to her first child. The son is only two months old, and is already getting hardened, almost plunging into the font – the star couple bathes their baby in cool water! The mother of a famous TV presenter is not very happy about such approaches in raising her grandson.

Different views on upbringing – this problem is relevant in almost every family. Young mothers of Chelyabinsk told Woman’s Day about parenting methods that their parents do not support.

You’re feeding her the wrong way!

“My husband’s mother thinks that we are planning to freeze the child from birth, as we bathed our daughter in water at a temperature of 37 degrees. And both grandmothers are still indignant why at 7 months we refuse to feed our daughter with borscht. They are surprised and convince: “Well, you ate – and nothing!”

Anastasia Uroshnikova and daughter Tatyana (7 months)

My mother is a fan of giving her granddaughter “forbidden” (forbidden foods): pickled cucumber, candy or even sausage. There are no arguments about the harm of these products for the child’s body, so I have to monitor not only my daughter, but also her grandmother. “

“Mary is a year and a half. Until we plunge into the hole – it’s scary. But we run barefoot and in a swimsuit, swimming trunks in the snow. We started literally with 1-2 seconds from six months. Grandfather does not mind, since he himself was engaged in winter swimming in his youth. But the grandmother absolutely does not support such experiments, she always says that we will chill the child.

It seems to me that such categoricality is due to fear and lack of positive examples. “

“I try to teach my children to be independent from the very childhood. I have two daughters: one is 3 years old, the other is already 5 years old. For example, I force them to dress on their own, without my help, despite the fact that it is still difficult. My mom doesn’t like this approach, she always scolds me and says: “Help them, they are still very young!” But I believe that from that age, children should learn to do everything on their own. “

“Usually my parents do not interfere in the upbringing of our Yaroslav. The only thing that hurt them was when my husband insisted that the child would have the Muslim faith. Mom is still unhappy with this decision and, when the grandson grows up, plans to baptize him. I consider it a delusional idea, since religions are different, but God is one. “

Nina Galeeva and Yaroslav (1 year)

“My husband and I believe that it is better not to pamper children and buy them something for some success and merit. The mother-in-law has a different opinion: he buys whatever Arseny wants, spoils it a lot. Always! I am glad that even though we do not all live together, a few hours from each other – it saves. “

Why don’t you bring the temperature down!

“There are several reasons why my parents and I disagree, and they are against such methods in upbringing:

Yana Aseeva and Leonid (1 year 2 months)

  1. The fact that we constantly ventilate the apartment, so it is quite cool here, and the child almost always runs barefoot. They don’t like it.
  2. We do not feed the child with meat.
  3. We do not bring down the temperature. “

A child cannot be trusted with a caregiver!

“We want to send our Slavik to a kindergarten, because there is a comprehensive development and with specially trained people, and we need to communicate with peers.

My mother-in-law doesn’t think so. Insists that we leave our son with her. We do not understand how to convince her otherwise. She stands her ground and says: “Don’t you dare to hand over the child there, that I am not a grandmother, perhaps I can’t cope? I will bring up Glory better than a garden! “

You are not punishing her in vain!

“There are two moments when my parents and I have very different opinions about the approach to parenting:

Alena Parshovets and Milana (1 year 4 months)

First: I am for the fact that you need to talk to my daughter delicately, calmly, kindly. I believe that you need to educate without assault and shouting. My parents have a different opinion: it is better to slap or scold once on the pope.

Second: my mother forcibly puts the child on the potty. Daughter sometimes cries and is afraid to sit on it. I prefer to teach Milana to the pot in other ways: just explain and show where to go. “

Why does a child need fitness ?!

“We faced such a problem: the father-in-law constantly demanded that the girl be shaved bald, otherwise the hair would not be thick.

Anastasia Fazetinova and Valeria (4 years old)

Also, when we went to a fitness class (mom + baby), there the child was twisted in different ways, thrown up, lifted by the head. When the family found out about this, they, of course, were horrified at all.

Even grandparents always pamper our daughter with sweets and sweets, my husband and I are categorically against this. “

The kid must not be overextended!

“Our daughter is one year and eleven months old. My husband and I teach her to get used to difficulties and overcome them on our own. We make her go up the stairs and crawl up the steps on the playground, even when it is difficult for the child.

The grandmother believes that physically the baby should only do what he can do. She constantly carries Alina in her arms and believes that it is necessary to develop the child’s interest and motivation, and not force him to do something. “

Why don’t you get vaccinated!

“My mother and grandmother have always been against the fact that the child sleeps with us, and not in a separate bed, and against feeding on demand.

They were also very afraid of dynamic gymnastics for babies and his lack of vaccinations, but then they got used to it, they accepted it. But my dad has always supported my methods of raising and caring for a child. “

Victoria Volosnikova and Kira (2 years and 3 months)

The granddaughter must be taught to dummy!

“As a young mother, I am opposed to grandparents, as well as other relatives, with their advice on what to do and how to do it right. And they certainly do not need to insist on their own.

Our example is a dummy story. The daughter from birth refused her, and the grandmother always kept repeating “let’s dummy”, constantly came and slipped it. When asked why, the answer was: “She is so calmer.”

But I have a calm child even without a pacifier, and if he does not want it, then why force it? “

The granddaughter needs something tasty!

“The parents are against my method of feeding the child. They think: since our Anya is small (she is now 8 months old), she needs to be given a lot of tasty things – and cookies, and sweets, and juices. I only allow cookies once in the morning, and juice only in the afternoon. I don’t want to spoil the child ”.

Julia Dmitrieva and Anya (8 months)

I want to show off my grandson – and I will!

“My husband and I had an agreement: not to post photos of our baby on social networks for at least a year. Not to say that we are very superstitious, but still there are fears that the child may be jinxed.

I recently visited Odnoklassniki and saw: the mother-in-law posted several personal photos of our son on her page, without even warning us. My son is not even four weeks old. When asked to delete, he refuses: “My grandson, whatever I want, I do it!” And she convinced her husband that this is normal. “

The granddaughter has too much free time!

“My dad, the grandfather of my seven-year-old daughter, thinks she has too much free time. Although she is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics at the school of the Olympic reserve, attends drama school, also attends classes for the development of logical thinking, and, of course, she is also a first grader.

Larisa Malaya and Anastasia (7 years old)

I, in turn, on the contrary, am glad that the child in all this diversity has time to do his own childish affairs, play his favorite games or just sit back. And grandfather would really like to have a chess club and singing. Perhaps we will meet his expectations someday, but later. “

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