This is how your personality influences when choosing your vacation destination

This is how your personality influences when choosing your vacation destination


Our way of being and living the state of restrictions influences the choice of our tourist destinations

This is how your personality influences when choosing your vacation destination

It is already the second consecutive summer that we are faced with vacation planning living with the emergency of coronavirus. Between openings, closings, vaccines, pcr and antigens, the Spaniards are moving and plan to continue doing so, some following their instinct to escape and the desire to start traveling again as in the pre-covid era, and others, more cautious, following the trend of infections and weighing the risks and regulations necessary to travel to certain areas of the world. There are those who do not give up their habits, those who have changed them as a result of the pandemic, who interpret travel as a continuous discovery of exotic and virgin places, and those who prefer to find peace in the tranquility of the four walls of their home, without leaving their city.

How has the traveler changed with the pandemic? We talked about it with the psychologist Carla Jubells from, who explains how our way of being and living the state of restrictions influences the choice of our tourist destinations.

Our attitude when traveling has changed

How has the pandemic influenced our attitude when traveling? “In my opinion, the pandemic has changed the attitude of people when it comes to traveling, both positively and negatively. On the one hand, it has sown fear of the possibility of contagion by the traffic of people traveling from one place to another. This fact was compounded by not being able to share group trips due to the relevant restrictions. Finally, the anxiety It ends up increasing before the following thought: if I travel I can spread the virus.

Despite all this, I think there is also a positive side. The pandemic has forced people to see and appreciate their place of residence in a different way. People have had to travel without leaving your country And that has allowed them to be able to value emblematic and iconic places that by going abroad they would never have noticed. Restrictions have also allowed solo trips, couples or very small groups to be promoted more. This has allowed deeper and stronger social relationships to develop as well as the self-knowledge of each individual, ”says psychologist Carla Cubells.

This is how lovers of the sea travel

El tue represents the quintessential summer destination. This is the way it was before the pandemic, and it still is. For this reason, people who do not give up spending their holidays by the sea are usually people who love Traditions and the tranquility that offers the repetition of the same summer rituals every year, perhaps changing the spa. Among the reasons for this need, often at the unconscious level, is the fact that proximity to water brings numerous benefits to both the body and the psyche.

Also, the possibility of being outdoors and ventilated outdoor spaces should not be underestimated. These make the coastal destinations a place chosen by many Spaniards, also considering safety in terms of the risk of possible infections, as long as prevention measures are maintained.

«People who usually have the sea as their main choice tend to seek a lot of tranquility and freshness. Water has a multitude of properties that are physically renewed and this influences emotional well-being “, recalls the psychologist.

This is how mountain lovers travel

Those who go to the mountains seek a place of peace, withdrawn, to regain calm y eliminate accumulated stress during the year. They are usually people who like to be in contact with themselves and not be subjected to constant stimuli. After the pandemic, many have discovered (or rediscovered) the beauty of the outdoor walks, the green spaces, the mild temperatures and the scents that the mountain offers.

«The mountains and nature in general are usually the destination of many people who travel alone because in the vegetation meditation generates important beneficial effects for the mind. It is a good place to get to know yourself while putting your physical skills to the test crossing the different landscapes, ”explains Carla Cubells.

This is how lovers of the exotic travel

Very often, those who prefer exotic destinations He is a person who loves to live always new experiences, who needs to drastically interrupt his routine and does not like to stay still in one place, but needs a continuous movement. These are people who feel the need to cross borders, both physical and metaphorical. But that does not mean that they are inexperienced or irresponsible, quite the opposite. In most cases they tend to be organized people who are used to skillfully handling complex situations, not getting discouraged and being well informed about the norms, traditions and customs of the places they visit or plan to visit.

«These travelers look for the risk and secretion of adrenalina. Their impulses lead them to seek places that are not frequented by many people. The more they can learn and the more virgin the place, the better, ”says Cubells.

If you want to discover new charming corners and know more about your destination Favorite visit ABC Travel.

So are those who prefer to stay at home

One option that is gaining increasing support after the global health crisis to which we are exposed is to stay at home. Take a vacation to enjoy within the four walls of your home, without worries, stress, suitcases to unpack or washing machines to put. Just learning to enjoy time for yourself and the inner calm that this brings to the individual.

«These people prefer the comfort and routine that the home provides. They enjoy pleasant moments without having to leave home “, concludes the psychologist Carla Cubells.

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