Theories of motivation and methods of its increase

Today we will talk about the forces and levers that move and control us, and through which we achieve certain values. And not about mystical rituals at all, but about simple human methods, and the main one of them is positive motivation. We all want to make good money, to educate our children in prestigious universities, so that at the end of their studies they would prefer one or another large company, and not vice versa.

We want to travel a lot, develop our horizons, and not choose between Gelendzhik and a rabbit fur coat. Drive good cars, and the last question we want to think about is how much money we need to save for gas at the beginning of the month. We also have more primitive desires, such as good and varied food, beautiful clothes, cozy apartments.

We all have different value systems and with my schematic examples I only want to show that a person always has a desire to comprehend something more, whether it be material, spiritual or other components. But despite this craving, not everyone succeeds not only in not reaching the desired heights, but not even getting close to them. Let’s look into this issue together.

Motivation and its types

Theories of motivation and methods of its increase

positive motivation is — incentives (incentives) that provoke us to achieve benefits in a positive context. We say to ourselves: I will buy myself a new suit if I do ten times more push-ups today, or, for example: I can spend the evening with the children if I manage to finish the report by five. In other words, we promise to reward ourselves for doing something.

Theories of motivation and methods of its increase

Negative motivation based on avoidance stimuli. If I submit my report on time, I will not be fined; if I do ten times more push-ups, I will not be the weakest.

Theories of motivation and methods of its increase

In my subjective opinion, the first option is more successful, since a person inspires himself to accomplish, and does not force.

External or extrinsic motivation, a reason or pressure on a person by incentives that do not depend on him. In rainy weather, we take an umbrella, when the traffic light turns green, we start moving accordingly.

Intrinsic motivation, or intrinsicbased on a person’s needs or preferences. I follow traffic rules because road safety is important to me.

And finally, consider the last two types: stable and unstable, or, they are also called basic and artificial motivation. Sustainable, or basic — based on natural incentives. Example: hunger, thirst, desire for intimacy or natural needs. Unsustainable — content for sale, or things that we see on the screens and want to get these items for our use.

Let’s sum it all up:

  • One of the mechanisms that drives us to action is called motivation;
  •  Both a positive stimulus and the avoidance of punishment can move us to action;
  •  Motivation can come from outside and be based on our preferences;
  •  And also, it can come from the needs of a person or be broadcast to us by someone else.

How to motivate yourself?

 No matter which model you choose for yourself, remember, it does not fall from the sky. No need to wait for something from outside, with the help of the supreme forces, a huge stream will descend on you to do this or that routine action. For example, clean an apartment or reduce a debit with a loan. But we will not be able to get a clean apartment or a salary if we do not fulfill our duties. Don’t wait for inspiration, be that inspiration.

Next, consider a few major obstacles between us and our desires.


Theories of motivation and methods of its increase

An intricate word that lies between you and your mountains, well, those that are golden. If you need to close a report and you’re hungry, but you start browsing social media, you’ve experienced the highest level of procrastination. But seriously, remember how often, at the moment before you start any important business, did you start cleaning?

Holy business, before a serious conversation, clean up the table. And then drink coffee and sort out the current mail. Of course, we can’t miss lunch with partners. Well, if you do it to gather your thoughts, make a plan of action and scroll through the options, come up with a strategy, get advice. But often an over-urgent matter, which appeared immediately after you realized that you no longer had the time or opportunity to delay a certain action, is a sign of avoidance.

And tip number one: don’t run from yourself and your commitments, especially if you know it’s inevitable. You still have to pass the test, go to the meeting and conduct unpleasant negotiations. In most cases, you still have a choice. You can give up and give up. You can delay everything until the last moment, stay awake at night, work on a hard deadline.

Also, in addition to your exhausted state, if it comes to any agreement with another person, you will not get the most loyal interlocutor. But I know that these options are not suitable for us. The advice is suspiciously simple: do everything today that needs to be done today. Do not forget to thank the universe that you have the opportunity to do what you do. Or, resort to the positive motivation we already know.

  • Stop procrastinating
  • All that needs to be done today — do it today, treat work easier
  • inspire yourself

 Lack of purpose

 Often, many go astray from the intended course due to the lack of or too vague goal. Let’s look at a specific example:

You have decided to lose weight and get a more attractive figure. We bought scales, a tracksuit, special sneakers, a gym membership. Six months have passed, there are some changes, but you do not like to study, and the result is not very similar to your original dreams. You are disappointed in yourself, in this fitness club, in the brand of your equipment.

Let’s consider one more example, where we have a similar to the first example: the same scales, suit, subscription, sneakers. You honestly visit the gym, but the result is still not encouraging. You have lost weight, but still something is wrong. You didn’t want it at all. And how did you want?

And tip number two: set a specific goal that you can measure in some quantitative units. If you lose weight, then by how much? Attractive figure, what is it? Over what period of time do you want to achieve the final result? I offer a simple tool to help us with goal setting, namely the SMART Goal. The abbreviation stands for:

S — Specific (Specific, what we want) Lose weight

M — Measurable (Measurable, how and in what we will measure) Per 10 kilograms (from 64 kg to 54 kg)

A — Attainable, Achievable (Achievable through which we will achieve) Refusal of flour, replacing sugar with a substitute, drinking two liters of water per day and going to the gym three times a week

R — Relevant (Actual, we determine the accuracy of the goal)

T — Time-bound (Limited in time) Half a year (from 1.09 — 1.03.)

  • Set specific goals that you can measure in quantitative units.

You can read more about setting SMART goals in the article: “How to turn a dream into a real task using the SMART goal setting technique”.

 We divide into

 Parts of our big goal or dream. When you are planning something global and for a long time, there is a risk that at the end of the path we will have something completely different from what we thought so carefully at the beginning, visualizing the final result. If you decide to lose 10 kilograms, will you weigh yourself in the process? Same here. We need a plan, or subgoals.

The goal is to lose 10 pounds.

Subgoals: buy a season ticket, buy equipment, schedule a visit to the club, coordinate the diet and training course with the coach. Break big tasks into small ones. In this way, you will be able to track the result and correct yourself according to the current circumstances. This exercise will help us not only stay on course, but also help us to produce dopamine, the hormone of pleasure, in a completely natural way.

  • We divide big goals into many small ones;
  • Tracking results;
  • We correct ourselves.

 About frogs

Theories of motivation and methods of its increase

I have read about this tool in several books and highly recommend taking it into service. The expression — to eat a frog means to do the required, but not very pleasant action for us, for example, make a difficult call, parse a large array of mail. In fact, all the big and important things for the day can be attributed here.

And here we should adhere to two rules: of all the frogs, we choose the largest and most unpleasant, that is, we choose a more important, time-consuming and time-consuming action and proceed to its implementation. And the second rule: don’t look at the frog. Just eat it. In other words, do not beat around the bush, the sooner you start this action, the sooner you will complete it.

Train yourself to do all the hardest things in the morning. In this way, you will increase your efficiency and you will spend the rest of the day with a pleasant sense of accomplishment.

From smallest to largest

 If you have been drifting for a long time, stuck in a vegetable state and deeply fallen into a hole of lack of self-control, I offer you a method opposite to the previous one. Start with small steps. For starters, it could be an alarm clock an hour early and a ten minute jog or walk around the house. Or fifteen minutes of reading, it all depends on the goal you want to reach. Next, you simply increase the “load” and add one more step to the previous action. It is very important to do this daily, since the first one and a half to two weeks is a very fragile state, interrupting your regime for literally one day, you will most likely return to the previous state and all the work will go down the drain. Also, do not try to take on as much as possible during this period, as you will simply get tired of such a drastic change and you are unlikely to want to continue all this.

  • If you have been in a vegetable state for a long time, start small
  •  Perform actions regularly, gradually adding more
  •  Don’t take on too much in the early days, it won’t work in the long run, work on quality not quantity

Inspire others

 Another powerful lever of motivation is the inspiration of others. Share your results, but don’t brag about them. Communicate what you have done, what you have achieved, offer your help in what you have already succeeded in yourself. Nothing energizes you so much for new achievements as the results of other people who were helped by you.

Start supporting others, this will serve as a huge impetus for your own accomplishments.

Take care of yourself

 If you want to be motivated for as long as possible, you should not forget about the basic needs of sleep, proper and regular meals and walks in the fresh air. To do as much as possible and have a good mood, you need to be well-rested and not hungry. Why? Sleep in fits and starts, for four hours, small snacks and lack of oxygen lead to various problems in the physical processes of the body. How to move mountains if you have heartburn, circles under the eyes and a headache? The body and brain will serve you qualitatively and quantitatively more if you take care of yourself.

Proper nutrition, sleep and fresh air will provide you with the strength to move forward, and not tiredly move your feet.

Don’t be afraid to meet new people

 You probably have people who inspire you, but you look at them from the side. Don’t be afraid to approach and get to know them, or message them on social media. Connecting with creative, self-confident people will help you more than the formulaic description of Johns and Smiths in self-development books. Learn from firsthand experience or simply recharge your batteries from those who are more motivated than you are at the moment. And remember, successful people are usually open to communication.


 Nothing broadens one’s horizons like visiting new, yet unexplored places. Traveling somewhere is always acquaintances, experience, impressions and, of course, inspiration and motivation. All this can be obtained by going even on a small trip with the family out of town. Get rid of daily obligations and spend the day in pleasant company.

Take a break from the routine by escaping for a day out of town with family or friends


The present self with the past, not others. Consciously evaluating yourself in relation to other people and understanding where you are now (in a professional or any other aspect) is good. But constant comparisons not in your favor will lead to the fact that you lose heart and you decide that you will not achieve the same success. Also, comparing yourself with others, you strive to reach exactly their level. That is, you focus on their achievements, and not on possible options. It will be much more constructive to track your progress in relation to you now and you in the past. You can record a video appeal to yourself or write a letter to the future. Once you make a promise to yourself, it will be harder for you to backtrack. And by ticking the boxes next to the goals, you will experience a huge surge of pride and great strength in order to set and conquer new heights.

  • Compare your current performance with your past
  •  Focus on the best result, not on the results of others

Be in love with what you do

It’s impossible to be passionate about something you don’t like. And now I’m not talking about routine duties, but about work, hobbies or any other activity in which you intend to develop. It’s impossible to motivate yourself to take better and bigger pictures if you don’t like it. With hard work, you can achieve success in almost any field, but why mock yourself? Choose what you like. You graduated from a university with a degree in jurisprudence, but you want to make bouquet arrangements? You can temporarily work in your specialty to master the profession that you like. Here you will have to work hard on the way to the desired field of activity. But why spend your whole life in an unloved job?

  • Look for what you like
  • Don’t be afraid to change direction
  • Be open to learning

Believe in yourself

Another very good technique recommended by psychologists. To believe in ourselves and our abilities, we will use written statements.

It’s simple, like most of the tools and tips I share with you. We act, think, feel in accordance with our views. Drawing an image with a negative ending in our head, we are most likely to get it in reality. By resorting to positive pictures in our imagination, we bring success closer. To be a motivated person, you need to believe that this is the way it is. Let’s take a piece of paper and start our exercise. Write down positive statements such as: I am a very inspired and motivated person. Sergey is motivated to perform this action. I can start doing my job with renewed vigor right now. If negative statements come to mind — it’s okay, we write them on the back of the sheet and write a few positive ones opposite each negative statement.

Doing this exercise every day will help you to believe in yourself.

Behave like an inspired and motivated person

How do you think an inspired and motivated person behaves? What does she do, how does she deal with difficulties, what does she do in order to strengthen and increase her success? Remember, at the institute we were sent to practice in one or another institution in order to immerse ourselves in the specifics of the profession? Performing certain actions, we mastered a particular craft.

Same here. If you want to be always motivated by a person, be him. Just do the things that motivated and purposeful people do. From the outside, it will seem to you that this is very easy and general advice and there is nothing easier to follow. Well, write in the comments if this is true.

To become a motivated person, act like a motivated person.


Theories of motivation and methods of its increase

Biographies of successful people are a storehouse of advice and ready-made instructions for action. Let the reading be conscious. Ask yourself: what will this book give me? What do I want to get out of reading?

Take notes in the margins, discuss what you read, try it on for yourself. Before you read any denouement, make your assumptions.

The formation of the skill of conscious reading will help to better absorb and translate what is read.


Well, I hope my recommendations and advice will really help you and positively affect the quality of your life. The book will tell you about the choices that we make every day ourselves, about what habits and traits successful people have in common, and tips that will help you look at your actions from the other side and set a better direction.

Also, the peculiarity of the book is that the recipes presented in it are not replicated excerpts from similar literature. I really recommend it to anyone who is lost in a routine or just wants to read new thoughts on the topic of motivation.

Until next time!

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