The woman endured and gave birth to gears

The couple tried unsuccessfully to conceive for several years, but each pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

Courtney and Eric Waldrop have been dating since high school. They always wanted a big family. But after the birth of their first child in 2008, something went wrong. Courtney easily became pregnant, but she could not bear the child: miscarriage after miscarriage harassed the woman. The couple went to the doctors. Courtney received treatment and soon became pregnant with twins. Two boys were born: Whale and Most. But three children were not enough for the spouses. They wanted one more, maybe two. In the end, I wanted to give birth to three brothers a sister.

The next pregnancy ended in miscarriage again.

“You have no idea what it would be like to lose children one by one. My body was simply unable to hold the fetus. ” said Courtney.

The couple were not going to give up. And again we went to the doctors. Fertility treatment again. Moreover, doctors tried to find a therapy that would minimize the likelihood of multiple pregnancies: after all, if twins were born once, then the second time it can turn out in exactly the same way. And it is much more difficult to endure such a pregnancy: the risk of miscarriage or premature birth increases, mothers are more likely to suffer from preeclampsia, and the likelihood of a stroke increases.

The efforts of the specialists were crowned with success: Courtney became pregnant. And here it is, the moment of truth – the first screening. Parents were worried: what if something goes wrong again? But they didn’t think it’s all that wrong. The doctor heard the sound of six tiny hearts on the ultrasound.

It was not too late to carry out the so-called selective abortion: by reducing the number of fetuses, it was possible to increase the chances of survival of the remaining ones. But what mother, hearing her child’s heart beat, would agree to kill him? How to choose? To pull matches? .. No, Courtney and Eric could not go to such measures. We decided to keep all six of them.

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Bringing such a number of babies to 40 weeks was unthinkable. The doctors set a goal: 30 weeks. Then – cesarean. But even that was difficult. Courtney complained that she was physically unable to eat as much as needed to provide her own body and six growing children with everything they needed.

“I pray that my appetite will be the same as never before,” she wrote on her page on the social network.

In week 25, Courtney was prescribed bed rest for a week to slow the growth of the babies.

And then came the moment H. Childbirth took only four minutes. Some 240 seconds – and the couple became the parents of nine children! Moreover, their dreams of a sister for older boys came true: among the babies born there was a complete gender balance – three boys and three girls. Doctors say that it is too early to give predictions about the health of newborns. Despite the fact that the birth was normal, there is still a possibility of developing various complications in babies: cerebral palsy, developmental delay, breathing problems. But the parents are sure: everything will be all right. It was not in vain that they overcame so many difficulties on the way to their dream – a truly big family.

“This is a real Christmas miracle,” Eric and Courtney are sure. They will not part with their miracle.

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