- See full product list
- The tryptophan in dairy products:
- The content of tryptophan in eggs and egg products:
- The content of tryptophan found in meat, fish and seafood:
- The content of tryptophan in cereals, cereal products and pulses:
- The content of tryptophan in nuts and seeds:
- The content of tryptophan in mushrooms:
- The content of tryptophan in fruits, vegetables, dried fruits:
In these tables are adopted by the average daily demand in the essential amino acid tryptophan, 250 mg. Is equal to the average rate, for a person weighing 70kg. The column “Percent of daily requirement” shows what percentage of 100 grams of the product satisfy the daily human need for this amino acid.
Product name | The content of tryptophan in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Cheese Swiss 50% | 1000 mg | 400% |
Cheese “Roquefort” 50% | 900 mg | 360% |
Cheese Cheddar 50% | 735 mg | 294% |
Egg powder | 720 mg | 288% |
Cheese “Poshehonsky” 45% | 700 mg | 280% |
Soybean (grain) | 654 mg | 262% |
Cheese (from cow’s milk) | 510 mg | 204% |
Parmesan Cheese | 482 mg | 193% |
Caviar red caviar | 380 mg | 152% |
Milk powder 25% | 350 mg | 140% |
Sunflower seeds (sunflower seeds) | 337 mg | 135% |
Meat (Turkey) | 330 mg | 132% |
Squid | 300 mg | 120% |
Meat (broiler chickens) | 300 mg | 120% |
Sesame | 297 mg | 119% |
Meat (chicken) | 290 mg | 116% |
Cashews | 287 mg | 115% |
Peanuts | 285 mg | 114% |
Pistachios | 271 mg | 108% |
Peas (shelled) | 260 mg | 104% |
Beans (grain) | 260 mg | 104% |
Herring lean | 250 mg | 100% |
Egg yolk | 240 mg | 96% |
Salmon | 220 mg | 88% |
Oat flakes “Hercules” | 220 mg | 88% |
Lentils (grain) | 220 mg | 88% |
Cheese 18% (bold) | 212 mg | 85% |
White mushrooms | 210 mg | 84% |
Meat (beef) | 210 mg | 84% |
Cod | 210 mg | 84% |
Chum | 200 mg | 80% |
Pollock | 200 mg | 80% |
Meat (lamb) | 200 mg | 80% |
Mackerel | 200 mg | 80% |
Feta Cheese | 200 mg | 80% |
Chicken egg | 200 mg | 80% |
Eyeglasses | 190 mg | 76% |
Meat (pork meat) | 190 mg | 76% |
Grouper | 190 mg | 76% |
Hazelnuts | 190 mg | 76% |
See full product list
Buckwheat flour | 183 mg | 73% |
Buckwheat (unground) | 180 mg | 72% |
Groats hulled millet (polished) | 180 mg | 72% |
Mackerel | 180 mg | 72% |
Sudak | 180 mg | 72% |
Curd | 180 mg | 72% |
Pike | 180 mg | 72% |
Egg protein | 170 mg | 68% |
Walnut | 170 mg | 68% |
Quail egg | 170 mg | 68% |
Meat (pork fat) | 150 mg | 60% |
Oats (grain) | 150 mg | 60% |
Wheat (grain, soft variety) | 150 mg | 60% |
Buckwheat (grain) | 140 mg | 56% |
Wheat (grain, hard grade) | 140 mg | 56% |
Almonds | 130 mg | 52% |
Flour Wallpaper | 130 mg | 52% |
Rye flour wholemeal | 130 mg | 52% |
Rye (grain) | 130 mg | 52% |
Barley groats | 120 mg | 48% |
Barley (grain) | 120 mg | 48% |
Semolina | 110 mg | 44% |
Flour rye | 110 mg | 44% |
Pine nuts | 107 mg | 43% |
Pearl barley | 100 mg | 40% |
Rice | 100 mg | 40% |
Pasta from flour V/s | 100 mg | 40% |
Acorns, dried | 98 mg | 39% |
Rice (grain) | 90 mg | 36% |
Wheat groats | 80 mg | 32% |
Yogurt 3,2% | 72 mg | 29% |
Corn grits | 60 mg | 24% |
Kefir 3.2% | 43 mg | 17% |
Milk 3,5% | 43 mg | 17% |
Cream 10% | 43 mg | 17% |
Oyster mushrooms | 42 mg | 17% |
Basil (green) | 39 mg | 16% |
Cauliflower | 39 mg | 16% |
Cream 20% | 36 mg | 14% |
Ice cream sundae | 35 mg | 14% |
Potatoes | 28 mg | 11% |
The tryptophan in dairy products:
Product name | The content of tryptophan in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Cheese (from cow’s milk) | 510 mg | 204% |
Yogurt 3,2% | 72 mg | 29% |
Kefir 3.2% | 43 mg | 17% |
Milk 3,5% | 43 mg | 17% |
Milk powder 25% | 350 mg | 140% |
Ice cream sundae | 35 mg | 14% |
Cream 10% | 43 mg | 17% |
Cream 20% | 36 mg | 14% |
Parmesan Cheese | 482 mg | 193% |
Cheese “Poshehonsky” 45% | 700 mg | 280% |
Cheese “Roquefort” 50% | 900 mg | 360% |
Feta Cheese | 200 mg | 80% |
Cheese Cheddar 50% | 735 mg | 294% |
Cheese Swiss 50% | 1000 mg | 400% |
Cheese 18% (bold) | 212 mg | 85% |
Curd | 180 mg | 72% |
The content of tryptophan in eggs and egg products:
Product name | The content of tryptophan in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Egg protein | 170 mg | 68% |
Egg yolk | 240 mg | 96% |
Egg powder | 720 mg | 288% |
Chicken egg | 200 mg | 80% |
Quail egg | 170 mg | 68% |
The content of tryptophan found in meat, fish and seafood:
Product name | The content of tryptophan in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Salmon | 220 mg | 88% |
Caviar red caviar | 380 mg | 152% |
Squid | 300 mg | 120% |
Chum | 200 mg | 80% |
Pollock | 200 mg | 80% |
Meat (lamb) | 200 mg | 80% |
Meat (beef) | 210 mg | 84% |
Meat (Turkey) | 330 mg | 132% |
Meat (chicken) | 290 mg | 116% |
Meat (pork fat) | 150 mg | 60% |
Meat (pork meat) | 190 mg | 76% |
Meat (broiler chickens) | 300 mg | 120% |
Grouper | 190 mg | 76% |
Herring lean | 250 mg | 100% |
Mackerel | 180 mg | 72% |
Mackerel | 200 mg | 80% |
Sudak | 180 mg | 72% |
Cod | 210 mg | 84% |
Pike | 180 mg | 72% |
The content of tryptophan in cereals, cereal products and pulses:
Product name | The content of tryptophan in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Peas (shelled) | 260 mg | 104% |
Buckwheat (grain) | 140 mg | 56% |
Buckwheat (unground) | 180 mg | 72% |
Corn grits | 60 mg | 24% |
Semolina | 110 mg | 44% |
Eyeglasses | 190 mg | 76% |
Pearl barley | 100 mg | 40% |
Wheat groats | 80 mg | 32% |
Groats hulled millet (polished) | 180 mg | 72% |
Rice | 100 mg | 40% |
Barley groats | 120 mg | 48% |
Pasta from flour V/s | 100 mg | 40% |
Buckwheat flour | 183 mg | 73% |
Flour Wallpaper | 130 mg | 52% |
Flour rye | 110 mg | 44% |
Rye flour wholemeal | 130 mg | 52% |
Oats (grain) | 150 mg | 60% |
Wheat (grain, soft variety) | 150 mg | 60% |
Wheat (grain, hard grade) | 140 mg | 56% |
Rice (grain) | 90 mg | 36% |
Rye (grain) | 130 mg | 52% |
Soybean (grain) | 654 mg | 262% |
Beans (grain) | 260 mg | 104% |
Oat flakes “Hercules” | 220 mg | 88% |
Lentils (grain) | 220 mg | 88% |
Barley (grain) | 120 mg | 48% |
The content of tryptophan in nuts and seeds:
Product name | The content of tryptophan in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Peanuts | 285 mg | 114% |
Walnut | 170 mg | 68% |
Acorns, dried | 98 mg | 39% |
Pine nuts | 107 mg | 43% |
Cashews | 287 mg | 115% |
Sesame | 297 mg | 119% |
Almonds | 130 mg | 52% |
Sunflower seeds (sunflower seeds) | 337 mg | 135% |
Pistachios | 271 mg | 108% |
Hazelnuts | 190 mg | 76% |
The content of tryptophan in mushrooms:
Product name | The content of tryptophan in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Oyster mushrooms | 42 mg | 17% |
White mushrooms | 210 mg | 84% |
Shiitake mushrooms | 11 mg | 4% |
The content of tryptophan in fruits, vegetables, dried fruits:
Product name | The content of tryptophan in 100g | The percentage of daily requirement |
Apricot | 9 mg | 4% |
Basil (green) | 39 mg | 16% |
Eggplant | 12 mg | 5% |
Banana | 15 mg | 6% |
Rutabaga | 13 mg | 5% |
Cabbage | 10 mg | 4% |
Cauliflower | 39 mg | 16% |
Potatoes | 28 mg | 11% |
Onion | 20 mg | 8% |
Carrots | 12 mg | 5% |
Cucumber | 5 mg | 2% |
Sweet pepper (Bulgarian) | 10 mg | 4% |
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