The testimonies of your most beautiful Christmas

Christmas: the most beautiful moments of mothers

Our child’s soul undoubtedly wakes up during the end of the year celebrations. The testimonials of mothers on their most beautiful Christmas.

“Last Christmas, my partner proposed to me in marriage. I also got the vacuum cleaner I wanted, I was really too happy. Quite naturally, I said: “wow! This is really my best gift! The head of my man and my family… Yep, I’m a maniac! We laugh about it now, because of course nothing was worth my marriage proposal. ” Kati Kat

“My son wasn’t walking yet. When he saw the illuminated tree, he stood up and walked on his own to go touch it! ” Sam Cosi

“When I was little, my mother made the Christmas tree on December 1st. On the evening of November 30, we went to bed and the next morning, when we woke up, my mom had decorated everything. She had made the Christmas village, with the snow-capped mountains, the crib in the cave, the skating rink, the small trees, the villagers and their houses etc. I loved waking up in the morning and discovering this different Christmas world every year. » Stephane Laetitia Viana

“My best Christmas?” Surely those of my childhood. In the evening, I made hot milk and a cookie while waiting for Santa Claus. The next morning, what a joy to open my presents! Now my best Christmases are the ones I spend with all my family. And my soft toys are so happy to open their gifts! » Fany Pauly

“The best Christmas for me, it is probably the 1st of my daughter. She was 6 months old and that was eight years ago! ” Elo JusteElo

“It’s not really a memory, but rather a tradition with us… On December 24, before going to bed (when I was little), or putting the children to sleep (now), we all prepare together a bowl of hot chocolate, buttered toast for Santa Claus and we put carrots for the reindeer. We write a little note to Santa Claus wishing him good luck for the long night of work that awaits him, and we thank him for not having forgotten us! The next day, when we wake up, we see all the gifts. We do not throw ourselves on it, we first run to see if Santa Claus has drunk his chocolate, ate his sandwiches, and if the reindeer have had their carrots! What a surprise to see that each time, there is nothing left, except the bowl and crumbs! This year, my baby is old enough to understand and do it, I hope it will amuse her as much as it amused me when I was little! ” gigitte13

“I love Christmas time, and since we have a child, it’s even more magical. But, my best memory is elsewhere, it was a few years ago… I lived with my mother-in-law and she knew my enthusiasm for this time of year. The Christmas atmosphere is very important, it goes through a pretty Christmas tree, but I haven’t had one for a long time. That year, my mother-in-law decided to buy a real tree and together we went to collect it from the market. She took the biggest and the most beautiful! I will remember it all my life. It was my greatest gift. ”  supermellous

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