The State Duma is discussing a bill that will ban strange and ridiculous names for children

If mom and dad decide to name the child in a particularly creative way, they may be denied registration at the registry office.

Bills are different. In theory, they are all designed to make our life better and more fun. True, none of them can do without restrictions. Now the State Duma is just considering one such prohibitive document. Its purpose is to limit parental fantasy in coming up with baby names.

If this law is adopted, then it will be impossible to come up with names that contain numbers, abbreviations, positions or ranks, symbols and other similar things. More precisely, it is possible, but the registry office will refuse to register a baby with a cunning name. Moreover, parents may be prohibited from calling their children ridiculous names. True, it has not yet been specified what is meant by the phrase “absurd”.

Senator Valentina Petrenko was the initiator of the law. In her opinion, such names as April, Dolphin, Princess Danielle, Sofia-Solnyshko, Khristamrirados, Alyosha-Kaprina or Zarya-Zaryanitsa can be attributed to the ridiculous.

In addition, the senator recalled the story with the boy, whom his parents persistently want to name BOC rVF 260602 – a biological object of a human of the Voronin-Frolov family, born on June 26, 2002. The result is that for many years the boy has been living without documents at all.

And the stars do not lag behind in creativity. For example, the name of the son of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina is Mik-Angel-Christ. And the daughter is Eva-Vlada. Although in the case of Dzhigurda, probably nothing is too strange. And hardly anyone wants to take an example from him.

Senator Petrenko believes that every child has the right to a “normal” name. You can’t argue with that, of course. Children with very exotic names are often offended by their peers – they are teased simply because their parents tried too hard to be original. But who will determine whether the parents came up with a “normal” name or not? Who will assess the degree of its dissonance? And how can you avoid subjectivity?

For example, in my subjective opinion, it sounds very strange when my mother runs down the street and shouts in her own voice: “Beatrice! Beatrice!” At this call, Beatrice emerges from the sandbox – grimy, with a scoop at the ready and a hat that has slipped over one eye. With a shovel, Beatrice hangs around Lucifer, who has emerged next to him. And her full name is Beatrice Vyacheslavovna Kharitonova. His is Lucifer Vitalievich Krolevets. Is it euphonious? Do not know.

On the other hand, last year, for example, in St. Petersburg, parents showed an extraordinary imagination. The boys were called Hectorians, Evdees and Geralts. There are now Lut, Rodogor and Aeneas in the cultural capital. And among the girls – Graciela, Elana, Lorenzia, Nicadria and Arcadia.

Now imagine the continuation of this ballet. Lorenzia Hektorianovna Stupko. Eney Lyutovich Ivanyuk. Nikadria Geraltovna Kochegarova. Great, isn’t it? Maybe they really should be banned? .. Although, on the other hand, it is not far from the tradition of naming a child according to the calendar. And this, too, as it seems to us, is not very correct.


Should unusual names be banned?

  • No, don’t. Otherwise, there will be ten Masha in the class, ten Kohl.

  • We must prohibit the terrible ones. Some even come up with obscene names.

  • Of course you do. Parents do not think at all what it will be like for a child with such a name!

  • Any prohibitions are harmful. And if the child does not like his name, he can change it himself.

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