The seven worst diseases of bones and joints

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Over the years, our bones and joints deteriorate and weaken. However, wear and tear is not the only cause of possible diseases, it is often the result of many factors. Learn the seven worst diseases of bones and joints.

  1. Osteoporosis is an aging disease. The first changes in bones affect people over 40 years of age
  2. Ewing’s sarcoma occurs mainly in children and adolescents. It is an aggressive tumor, most often located in the long bones
  3. Other diseases that attack our bones and joints include rheumatoid arthritis, Ollier disease or Albers-Schoenberg disease
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page


Called “the silent bone thief”. The most common type of disease is primary osteoporosis, associated with the aging process of the organism. The first changes appear after the age of 40 – in postmenopausal women, in elderly men. Less frequently, patients are diagnosed with secondary osteoporosis as a consequence of disease, hormonal disorders and medications taken. People who have undergone a partial gastric resection, use certain medications (e.g. costicosteroids, thyroid hormones, heparins), suffer from autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Cushing’s syndrome), or struggle with alcoholism or liver disease are at risk of developing the disease.

Factors such as low calcium intake, smoking, excessive sodium intake, lean body build and prolonged immobilization also contribute to the development of osteoporosis. What’s worst about the disease is its insidious nature. Bone loss is asymptomatic, gradually weakening the bones and leading to fractures even after minor trauma. A hip fracture is actually a diagnosis of osteoporosis. Unfortunately, it is very dangerous. Within a year after a hip fracture, 20% die. women and 30 percent. men.

  1. “The silent bone thief.” Who is at greater risk of an attack of osteoporosis?

Albers-Schönberg disease

Also known as bone marbling or osteopetosis. The name «Albers-Schoenberg disease» comes from the name of the German surgeon who described a rare, genetically determined disease for the first time. There are two known forms: the autosomal dominant form which presents with bone pains and odontogenic abscesses, and the autosomal recessive form which manifests itself in infancy. In the course of osteopetrosis, the functions of osteoclasts are disturbed, which are unable to resorb bone. As a result, the bones harden, thicken and at the same time become more brittle.

The changes affect the entire skeletal system and disrupt the bone marrow function – the patient has serious problems with blood. Very often death occurs in the first years of life and is directly caused by anemia and infections. However, there are cases when the patient reaches adolescence and maturity.

To strengthen bones and joints and improve their flexibility, buy Confident Movement – Panaseus dietary supplement today and start supplementing the preparation. We also recommend Red Flex 7 – a supplement for maintaining healthy bones and joints, which contains boswellia.

Choroba Olliera

The essence of the disease, also called enchondromatosis or intraosseous chondrosis, is the appearance of numerous tumors in the body of the chondroma nature. They are a type of benign cancer that develops in the cartilage tissue. In the course of Ollier disease, chondromas appear mainly in the area of ​​the growth cartilage of long bones. They are placed asymmetrically, take various sizes and shapes, and their diameter can reach several centimeters, which leads to bone destruction.

Often the first symptoms of enchondromatosis are deformation of the forearms, unequal length of the limbs, and valgus of the knee joints. The prognosis depends on the stage of the disease. The disease is associated with a high risk of complications, which include: uneven growth of long bones, pathological fractures, skeletal deformities and a malignant bone tumor that may develop on the basis of chondroma.

A condition in which numerous chondroids are accompanied by changes in the type of soft tissue hemangiomas is referred to as Maffucci syndrome.

To support your bones, joints and muscles, use Na joints – herbal-fruit tea, which contains a composition of herbs and fruits with beneficial effects. The tea consists of: black currant fruit, nettle herb, rosehip fruit, plantain leaf, sage leaf, licorice root, blueberry fruit, ground ginger and turmeric rhizome.

Bone cancer – Ewing’s sarcoma

The primary bone tumor most often takes the form of Ewing’s sarcoma, which occurs mainly in children and adolescents. Clinically, it is an aggressive tumor characterized by rapid growth and a high probability of producing micrometastases that may already be present at diagnosis. The peak incidence is found in the age range of 10–14 years for boys and 5–9 years for girls. The tumor is most often located in the long bones (in most cases in the femur), then in the flat bones and soft tissues, and then in the spine.

It does not give any symptoms for a long time, with time periodic bone pain, sensitivity to touch at the site of the tumor, and swelling in this area appear. Due to the fact that the sarcoma weakens the bone, pathological fractures sometimes occur as a result of a minor fall or injury. The stage of the disease determines the patient’s prognosis – patients with metastases usually die within 36 months.

If you want to take care of your bones and joints, order Joint Complex today – comprehensively for Viridian joints with properties supporting the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

It is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects joints and various organs. Its most characteristic symptoms are pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints of the hands and feet, but other joints may also be inflamed. In the beginning, “general” flu-like symptoms such as feeling weak, low-grade fever, muscle pain and loss of appetite often appear. Most people with RA develop insidiously.

It may take several weeks or even months for symptoms to become so bothersome that they are prompted to seek medical attention. The disease affects women much more often and usually appears between the ages of 30 and 50. Risk factors include hereditary stress, a defect in the immune system, gender, smoking papers, and stress.

If left untreated, rheumatoid arthritis most often leads to joint damage and severe disability, as well as damage to many organs and premature death. In addition to the basic pharmacological treatment in this disease, it is important to start rehabilitation early and, in some cases, surgical treatment.

If you want to support the functioning of the osteoarticular system, you can try the New Zealand freeze-dried green mussel dietary supplement, which is available in Medonet Market in a two-pack – now at an attractive price.

Support your joints and order Chondroitin sulfate today – YANGO dietary supplement.

Osteoarthritis (RA)

Arthrosis is a chronic and irreversible disease that becomes a social problem. The risk of its occurrence increases with age, but it is not “a natural symptom of aging”. There are other factors that determine the disease: genetic conditions, female gender, overweight and obesity, and practicing sports, especially competitive (wrestling, football, dancing).

Arthritis develops as a result of a disturbance in the quality and quantity of articular cartilage, which is designed to cushion joint movements and allow the joint surfaces to move. Over time, other structures are also damaged – the bone under the articular cartilage, the joint capsule, the ligaments surrounding the joint, tendons and muscles. The effect of progressive changes is pain and stiffness of the joint, followed by distortion of its contours and limitation of mobility.

If you want to strengthen bones and joints, it is worth supplementing with vitamin D3. We recommend its three forms available on Medonet Market: natural vitamin D3 in the form of capsules, vitamin D3 in the form of lozenges and liquid vitamin D3.

The disease leads to a deterioration in the quality of life and disability. It is currently not possible to cure completely – the therapy is aimed at reducing pain and preventing further degenerative changes.

Prophylactically and as an auxiliary in treatment, it is worth using cosmetics that are supposed to reduce inflammation and pain and strengthen bones. We recommend, for example, Vegan Comfrey Emulsion with cedar for bone strengthening or Comfrey with resin for bone strengthening.

  1. Osteoarthritis – learn more

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)

It is a chronic inflammatory disease with unknown causes. It attacks the spine, causing it excruciating pain and stiffness. Its severity varies from mild to very severe. In the advanced form of the disease, bone anastomosis forms at the site of the flexible connections of the vertebrae, resulting in a progressive limitation of the spine’s mobility. The result is a forward tilting of the body silhouette (called kyphosis) and severe disability.

The disease can also affect other joints and various organs (eyes, heart, lungs, kidneys). A characteristic feature of AS is inflammation of the sacroiliac joints, which connect the base of the spine with the pelvis. The disease is more common in men than in women, and it usually begins at the end of puberty or in young adults.

Both non-pharmacological and pharmacological procedures are used in the treatment; sometimes a surgical intervention is also necessary: ​​endoprosthesis (arthroplasty) of the hip or knee joint, spine surgery.

In the prevention of bone and joint diseases, vitamin K supplementation is important, as it directs calcium towards the bones, not the blood vessels. Try Vitamin K2Mk-7 SOLHERBS or Menachinox K2 from Xenico Pharma.

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