The risks of a late pregnancy

Late pregnancy and Down’s syndrome: is the risk real?

It is customary to speak of late pregnancy after 35 years. ” It is from this age that the risk of Down’s syndrome increases significantly, and also that fertility decreases. », Explains Professor M. Tournaire. This is the first fear of future mothers! The risk of Down’s syndrome in children does indeed increase with the mother’s age, but effective screening, by amniocentesis, for the disease limits the number of these births. Since the examination is much less performed under 21 years of age, the number of births of children with Down’s syndrome is paradoxically more frequent in young women.

Amniocentesis is systematically offered to expectant mothers in the context of late pregnancies, from 38 years old, in France. « As it can lead to a personal decision to terminate the pregnancy, this examination is not compulsory, but it is covered. », Specifies Professor M. Tournaire. Performed from three months of pregnancy, it makes it possible to establish the “table” of baby’s chromosomes and to detect any abnormalities.

Does an amniocentesis hurt?

The doctor takes some amniotic fluid with a fine needle through the abdominal wall. If the examination may seem impressive, the pain felt resembles that of an intramuscular prick, in other words, bearable!

After 40, when the pregnancy is long overdue

What you need to know about the different nudges …
  • Ovarian stimulation

Several hormonal treatments (by drugs or injections) trigger or improve ovulation, we speak of simple ovarian stimulation. They require regular follow-up from the doctor.

  • Artificial insemination

The partner’s sperm is introduced through a small straw directly into the woman’s uterus. The success rate decreases with age: it is less than 15% at 38 and barely 5% at 42.

  • In vitro fertilization

It has very low efficacy after 40 years. Moreover, many doctors refuse to practice it and it is no longer reimbursed by Social Security beyond the 43rd birthday.

  • Egg donation

The number of women using this method is increasing, even if donors are rare in France. The oocytes are fertilized by the partner’s sperm and the resulting embryos transferred to the recipient. Egg donation must be anonymous and free and, in theory, only for women under 38 years of age.

As long as they are still on their period, many women imagine they can have children. It’s wrong ! The chances of getting pregnant are highest between 20 and 24 years old, decrease more markedly from 35 years old, drop at 40 years old and become downright tiny after 45 years!

Doctors advise to consult after six months of testing from 35 years, and three months or less from the age of 40, against one year usually, in the absence of pathology. The fact of having, in addition to an “advanced” age, endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome should prompt to consult quickly in the absence of pregnancy.

« After seven years of waiting and various infertility treatments, I had a beautiful baby boy who fills my life with happiness. This pregnancy was not intended so “late”, we could not have children, but luckily nature is well done and just before starting IVF, I got pregnant quite naturally! My pregnancy was closely monitored by my gynecologist, who has been following me for years, but without any problem. »Amélie, 38 years old

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