The right reflexes for a quality (and light) breakfast at the start of the school year

The right reflexes for a quality (and light) breakfast at the start of the school year

Some go to work hungry, others need a good breakfast, and many of them lack ideas for a healthy breakfast. Here are the tips of our dietician to start the new school year on the right foot!

Watch out for: the famous white baguette, rusks and “classic” cereals which boost your blood sugar levels and which inevitably lead to hypoglycemia in the morning with the dreaded 10 o’clock bar! Also watch out for wholemeal bread, which, whatever may be said, is hardly better than white bread!

Good reflexes:

1. Prefer bread made with unrefined flour: wholegrain bread (house or not) with wheat or rye flour, for example, or German Pumpernickel black bread. Fiber Wasas and Essene bread also have a low Glycemic Index: the holy grail for being on top of your performance throughout the morning. All these grain products are also rich in fiber and very satiating.

2. Oatmeal is also a great alternative to white bread, as long as it is not cooked, like porridge. Some people prepare their oatmeal-seasonal fruit-chia seed mixture the night before, in a glass (jam) jar, for example, with milk or yogurt. It’s a good idea to make sure you don’t run out of time in the morning and start the day with a 100% healthy meal.

3. Low GI bread or oatmeal, the choice is yours but always add a fresh fruit in season to benefit from its richness in antioxidants, fibers, vitamins and minerals! Avoid compotes and industrial fruit juices that have no real nutritional value.

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