The most important thing about why we need to drink water

The thesis that a person needs to drink at least two liters of water a day has recently become more and more firmly established in the mass consciousness. Although many people still believe that the more water you drink, the more edema you will get. And in general, drinking two liters of water per day is not so easy for everyone. Why, how and in what quantities one should drink water and whether it is possible to replace it with something else is my new digest.

First of all, let’s figure out in general terms what dehydration is and what its symptoms are. According to the Institute of Medicine (USA), men need about 3,7 liters per day for normal body function, and about 2,7 liters for women, but these figures include fluid obtained from food, which accounts for about 20% of our daily life. water consumption. And remember: liquids are different. So, herbal teas or some smoothies (for example, the Super Moisture cocktail, the recipe for which you can find in my appendix) can become an additional source of life-giving moisture, while coffee dehydrates the body.

In my list of the habits of healthy people, I put the habit of regularly drinking water in the first place. In this post, you will learn that even with mild dehydration, all body systems stop working properly, so you may feel tired and sluggish, it will be difficult for you to concentrate. There you will also find some tricks that will help you “cope” with a daily minimum of two liters of water.

It is very important to drink water at the beginning of the day, or rather, even start the day with warm water, or even better, add freshly squeezed lemon (or lime) juice to it: these citrus fruits contribute to the cleansing processes in the body and are saturated with vitamin С.


And don’t be surprised by such a “sour” start to the day. In fact, lemon juice alkalizes the body, restoring a healthy pH level. And warm water with lemon starts the detoxification process, cleanses the liver, normalizes digestion, and stimulates intestinal motility. You can read about what else is useful for water, to which fresh lemon juice is added, at this link.

In this blog post, I’ve talked about five changes you’ll notice when you start drinking enough water every day. In particular, did you know that we often confuse hunger with thirst? By drinking water some time before meals, you may protect yourself from overeating, and in case of a sharp attack of hunger, try drinking a glass of water: if after that you still feel hungry, then eat boldly!

And finally, a nice bonus: a story about how three liters of water a day will make you look younger!

Drink water and be healthy!


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